

If I can't write gentle and beautiful sentences, can you look at my heart directly.



Time can cure almost everything. Give time some time.



The boy said to the girl, "Why are you so frugal?" The girl said, "I'm afraid I can't afford to marry you if I'm poor." The boy said, "if you don't get together in the future, you're not in a big loss." Girl: "that's even more can't spend, in case other girls spend a lot of money, you can't afford to marry, I have to save for you, can't let you play singles."



The radian of the corner of the mouth is as perfect as the crescent moon. There are stars and the moon in the dimple. The smile of the pear whirlpool sweeps away all the haze and makes the universe clear.



If you can, please wait for me to be good enough, for the passers-by to be far away, for you to find out how much I like you, and meet you again when the cherry blossom is in full bloom.



One day, you will sit alone in the library reading, no one will supervise whether you are really reading, no one will wake you up in your sleep, no one will call you to leave together, no one will walk home with you, just like me now.



Who can as always, do not change the first appearance.


這世界太吵鬧,你要把自己照顧好。 ​​​

The world is too noisy. Take care of yourself. ​​​



We don't want to explore our own value. We value others' participation in our own life too much. So, loneliness is no longer beautiful, we lose others, we are confused.


