npj: 聲子準粒子物理的複雜性—大道至簡-無序中的有序


npj: 聲子準粒子物理的複雜性—大道至簡-無序中的有序


  來自美國橡樹林國家實驗室的.George M. Stocks教授,通過第一原理計算,結合對濃縮的、帶有很強力常數紊亂卻幾無質量紊亂的無序合金NiCo、NiFe、AgPd和NiFeCo所作的聲子準粒子物理學(色散和線寬)實驗測量,發現存在一個巨大的、迄今未被認識的、局部化學環境對物種對-分辨的力學常數無序分佈的影響,而這恰恰是影響聲子散射的主要因素。值得注意的是,在從頭算的超胞聲子展開(SPU)模擬,及其與ICPA和實驗測量的比較中,考慮到每個單獨的AA、BB和AB型物種對,力常數的變化遠遠超過了通常的全局平均力常數波動。此外,他們的研究結果表明,增強型磁阻的來源,是圍繞著單個AA、BB和AB型物種對的局部化學環境所固有的隨機變化。因此,以往長期使用的近似方法(用無序材料的準粒子平均-Er場理論的哈密頓量的全局平均值,來代替單個物種對的力常數波動),現在必須重新考慮。這一發現不僅找到了問題的要害,而且對研究其他元素的激發態,如磁合金中的磁子和斯格明子的研究將產生廣泛影響,而且為超低熱導率材料的設計也提供了重要工具。

  該文近期發表於npj Computational Materials 6: 4 (2020),英文標題與摘要如下,點擊可以自由獲取論文PDF。


npj: 聲子準粒子物理的複雜性—大道至簡-無序中的有序

  Unfolding the complexity of phonon quasi-particle physicsin disordered materials

  Sai Mu, Raina J. Olsen, Biswanath Dutta, Lucas Lindsay, German D. Samolyuk, Tom Berlijn, Eliot D. Specht, KeJin, Hongbin Bei, Tilmann Hickel , Bennet C. Larson and George M. Stocks

  The concept of quasi-particles forms the theoretical basis of our microscopic understanding of emergent phenomena associated with quantum-mechanical many-body interactions. However, the quasi-particle theory in disordered materials has proven difficult, resulting in the predominance of mean-eld solutions. Here, we report rst-principles phonon calculations and inelastic X-ray and neutron-scattering measurements on equiatomic alloys (NiCo, NiFe, AgPd, and NiFeCo) with force-constant dominant disorder— confronting a key 50-year-old assumption in the Hamiltonian of all mean-eld quasi-particle solutions for off-diagonal disorder. Our results have revealed the presence of a large, and heretofore unrecognized, impact of local chemical environments on the distribution of the species-pair-resolved force-constant disorder that can dominate phonon scattering. This discovery not only identies a critical analysis issue that has broad implications for other elementary excitations, such as magnons and skyrmions in magnetic alloys, but also provides an important tool for the design of materials with ultralow thermal conductivities.


npj: 聲子準粒子物理的複雜性—大道至簡-無序中的有序

