每日一句英譯英:been there and done that

每日一句英譯英:been there and done that

英語Been there and done that什麼意思?

1) 在語言中體驗英語been there and done that:

1. Go ice skating again? Been there, done that. Let's do something more exciting!

2. A: I got back to my car only three minutes after the meter expired=ended, and I still got a parking ticket!

B: Ugh, been there, done that.

3. Divorce? Been there, done that.

看出來been there and done that什麼意思了嗎?尤其是能用英語表達它的意思嗎?

每日一句英譯英:been there and done that

2)英語been there and done that

1.Okay.I got you.If you have had a similar or the same experience as mentioned,and don't quite like it,you'll say:Been there and done that,meaning I also had your experience:you got a parking ticket for being late only three minutes,me,too.

2. Okay.I got you.We say been there, done that to show that they themselves have had an experience that someone is talking about.

3) Been there and done that的反向運用:

Okay.Next time when I want to say something like:Me,too,or Same with me.I won"t say Me,too,or Same with me again,I will say the Big word:Been there and done that.


