「英語美文欣賞」 阿蘭•德波頓《旅行的藝術》選段

1. 由《英語週報》口語主播丁浩主講,著重講解48個國際音標中易混音標、易錯音標的正確讀法。

2. 音頻課程,共9個課時,音融於詞,詞融於句。

3. 粉絲優惠價39.9元,少喝一杯奶茶就能擁有。


1. 由《英語週報》口語主播丁浩主講,每節課5分鐘,只講一個音標,讓你迅速掌握每個音標發音要領。

2. 視頻課程,身臨其境,口型易模仿,48個音標48節課,輕鬆學習無壓力。

3. 原價199元,限時特惠99元,少吃一頓燒烤就能擁有。

「英語美文欣賞」 阿蘭•德波頓《旅行的藝術》選段

Awakening early on that first morning, I slipped on a dressing gown provided by the hotel and went out on to the veranda. In the dawn light the sky was a pale grey-blue and, after the rustlings of the night before, all the creatures and even the wind seemed in deep sleep. It was as quiet as a library. Beyond the hotel room stretched a wide beach which was covered at first with coconut trees and then sloped unhindered towards the sea. I climbed over the veranda's low railing and walked across the sand. Nature was at her most benevolent. It was as if, in creating this small horseshoe bay, she had chosen to atonefor her ill-temper in other regions and decided for once to display only her munificence.


「英語美文欣賞」 阿蘭•德波頓《旅行的藝術》選段


審稿 | 李棟

校稿 | 呂放



「英語美文欣賞」 阿蘭•德波頓《旅行的藝術》選段

