深度解讀 Kubernetes CRI 容器運行時接口

簡介: Kubernetes提供了多種容器開放接口用於對接不同的後端來提供資源,如提供計算資源的容器運行時接口(Container Runtime Interface, CRI),提供網絡資源的容器網絡接口(Container Network Interface, CNI),提供提供存儲資源的容器存儲接口(Container Storage Interface, CSI)。這篇作為這系列的開篇,主要介紹了kubelet的CRI接口實現。

CRI 簡介

在 Kubernetes1.5 之前 Docker 作為第一個容器運行時,Kubelet 通過內嵌 dockershim 操作容器API,但隨著越來越多的容器運行時的希望加入kubelet,社區開始有人提出通過“加入一個client/server接口來抽象容器運行時”的ISSUE。在 v1.6.0 後, Kubernetes 開始默認啟用 CRI(容器運行時接口),下圖是容器運行時在 kubernets 中得作用。

深度解讀 Kubernetes CRI 容器運行時接口

圖1. kubernets操作數據流圖

CRI 架構介紹


CRI 為 kubelet 提供一套抽象的容器調度的接口,CRI 主要承接 kubelet 對容器的操作。CRI 得通信協議是 gRPC,當時主要考慮到性能問題。加入 CRI 後 kubelet 得架構如下圖所示。

深度解讀 Kubernetes CRI 容器運行時接口

圖2. kubelet 架構

Kubelet 現在主要包含兩個運行時的模塊,一個是 dockershim, 一個是 remote。dockershim 是原來的提供Docker的運行時接口(PS: docker果然還是一等公民:)。remote包對應的就是 CRI 接口,採用gRPC,通過 RemoteRuntime 和 CRI RuntimeService相連:

// createAndStartFakeRemoteRuntime creates and starts fakeremote.RemoteRuntime.
// It returns the RemoteRuntime, endpoint on success.
// Users should call fakeRuntime.Stop() to cleanup the server.
func createAndStartFakeRemoteRuntime(t *testing.T) (*fakeremote.RemoteRuntime, string) {
endpoint, err := fakeremote.GenerateEndpoint()
require.NoError(t, err)

fakeRuntime := fakeremote.NewFakeRemoteRuntime()

return fakeRuntime, endpoint

func createRemoteRuntimeService(endpoint string, t *testing.T) internalapi.RuntimeService {
runtimeService, err := NewRemoteRuntimeService(endpoint, defaultConnectionTimeout)
require.NoError(t, err)

return runtimeService

func TestVersion(t *testing.T) {
fakeRuntime, endpoint := createAndStartFakeRemoteRuntime(t)
defer fakeRuntime.Stop()

r := createRemoteRuntimeService(endpoint, t)
version, err := r.Version(apitest.FakeVersion)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, apitest.FakeVersion, version.Version)
assert.Equal(t, apitest.FakeRuntimeName, version.RuntimeName)

kubernetes remote代碼地址:https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/tree/release-1.18/pkg/kubelet/remote

CRI 容器運行時的三類行為

CRI 容器運行時主要描述了三種服務的行為 Sandbox、Container、Image:

深度解讀 Kubernetes CRI 容器運行時接口

圖3. CRI容器運行時流程


<code>// PodSandboxManager contains methods for operating on PodSandboxes. The methods
// are thread-safe.
type PodSandboxManager interface {
// RunPodSandbox creates and starts a pod-level sandbox. Runtimes should ensure
// the sandbox is in ready state.
RunPodSandbox(config *runtimeapi.PodSandboxConfig, runtimeHandler string) (string, error)
// StopPodSandbox stops the sandbox. If there are any running containers in the

// sandbox, they should be force terminated.
StopPodSandbox(podSandboxID string) error
// RemovePodSandbox removes the sandbox. If there are running containers in the
// sandbox, they should be forcibly removed.
RemovePodSandbox(podSandboxID string) error
// PodSandboxStatus returns the Status of the PodSandbox.
PodSandboxStatus(podSandboxID string) (*runtimeapi.PodSandboxStatus, error)
// ListPodSandbox returns a list of Sandbox.
ListPodSandbox(filter *runtimeapi.PodSandboxFilter) ([]*runtimeapi.PodSandbox, error)
// PortForward prepares a streaming endpoint to forward ports from a PodSandbox, and returns the address.
PortForward(*runtimeapi.PortForwardRequest) (*runtimeapi.PortForwardResponse, error)


<code>// ContainerManager contains methods to manipulate containers managed by a
// container runtime. The methods are thread-safe.
type ContainerManager interface {
// CreateContainer creates a new container in specified PodSandbox.
CreateContainer(podSandboxID string, config *runtimeapi.ContainerConfig, sandboxConfig *runtimeapi.PodSandboxConfig) (string, error)
// StartContainer starts the container.
StartContainer(containerID string) error
// StopContainer stops a running container with a grace period (i.e., timeout).
StopContainer(containerID string, timeout int64) error
// RemoveContainer removes the container.
RemoveContainer(containerID string) error
// ListContainers lists all containers by filters.
ListContainers(filter *runtimeapi.ContainerFilter) ([]*runtimeapi.Container, error)
// ContainerStatus returns the status of the container.
ContainerStatus(containerID string) (*runtimeapi.ContainerStatus, error)
// UpdateContainerResources updates the cgroup resources for the container.
UpdateContainerResources(containerID string, resources *runtimeapi.LinuxContainerResources) error
// ExecSync executes a command in the container, and returns the stdout output.
// If command exits with a non-zero exit code, an error is returned.
ExecSync(containerID string, cmd []string, timeout time.Duration) (stdout []byte, stderr []byte, err error)
// Exec prepares a streaming endpoint to execute a command in the container, and returns the address.
Exec(*runtimeapi.ExecRequest) (*runtimeapi.ExecResponse, error)
// Attach prepares a streaming endpoint to attach to a running container, and returns the address.
Attach(req *runtimeapi.AttachRequest) (*runtimeapi.AttachResponse, error)
// ReopenContainerLog asks runtime to reopen the stdout/stderr log file
// for the container. If it returns error, new container log file MUST NOT
// be created.
ReopenContainerLog(ContainerID string) error


<code>// ImageManagerService interface should be implemented by a container image
// manager.
// The methods should be thread-safe.
type ImageManagerService interface {
// ListImages lists the existing images.
ListImages(filter *runtimeapi.ImageFilter) ([]*runtimeapi.Image, error)
// ImageStatus returns the status of the image.
ImageStatus(image *runtimeapi.ImageSpec) (*runtimeapi.Image, error)
// PullImage pulls an image with the authentication config.
PullImage(image *runtimeapi.ImageSpec, auth *runtimeapi.AuthConfig, podSandboxConfig *runtimeapi.PodSandboxConfig) (string, error)
// RemoveImage removes the image.
RemoveImage(image *runtimeapi.ImageSpec) error
// ImageFsInfo returns information of the filesystem that is used to store images.
ImageFsInfo() ([]*runtimeapi.FilesystemUsage, error)

CRI 容器生命週期操作流程


  1. 調用RunPodSandox創建一個pod沙盒
  2. 調用CreateContainer創建一個容器
  3. 調用StartContainer啟動一個容器
深度解讀 Kubernetes CRI 容器運行時接口

圖4. 容器生命週期操作流程

CRI Streaming接口

streaming接口主要是用於執行 exec 命令,exec 命令主要用於 attach 容器進行交互,通過流式接口的可以節省資源,提高連接的可靠性。kubelet 調用 Exec() 接口發給 RuntimeService ,RuntimeService 返回一個 url 給到 apiserver, 讓 apiserver 跟 Stream Server 直接建立連接,獲取流式數據。 由於繞過了kubelet,因此Stream Server 也提高連接的可靠性CRI 中 Exec() 接口:

<code>// ContainerManager contains methods to manipulate containers managed by a
// container runtime. The methods are thread-safe.
type ContainerManager interface {
// Exec prepares a streaming endpoint to execute a command in the container, and returns the address.
Exec(*runtimeapi.ExecRequest) (*runtimeapi.ExecResponse, error)
// Attach prepares a streaming endpoint to attach to a running container, and returns the address.
Attach(req *runtimeapi.AttachRequest) (*runtimeapi.AttachResponse, error)
深度解讀 Kubernetes CRI 容器運行時接口

圖5. streaming數據流

CRI proto接口定義

CRI 是一個為kubelet提供的一個廣泛的容器運行時的無需編譯的接口插件。 CRI 包含了一個 protocol buffers 和 gRPC API。kubernetes1.18的 CRI 代碼路徑:kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/cri-api/。CRI中定義了容器和鏡像的服務的接口,因為容器運行時與鏡像的生命週期是彼此隔離的,因此需要定義兩個服務 RuntimeService 和 ImageService。


<code>// Runtime service defines the public APIs for remote container runtimes
service RuntimeService {
// Version returns the runtime name, runtime version, and runtime API version.
rpc Version(VersionRequest) returns (VersionResponse) {}

// RunPodSandbox creates and starts a pod-level sandbox. Runtimes must ensure
// the sandbox is in the ready state on success.
rpc RunPodSandbox(RunPodSandboxRequest) returns (RunPodSandboxResponse) {}
// StopPodSandbox stops any running process that is part of the sandbox and
// reclaims network resources (e.g., IP addresses) allocated to the sandbox.
// If there are any running containers in the sandbox, they must be forcibly
// terminated.
// This call is idempotent, and must not return an error if all relevant
// resources have already been reclaimed. kubelet will call StopPodSandbox
// at least once before calling RemovePodSandbox. It will also attempt to
// reclaim resources eagerly, as soon as a sandbox is not needed. Hence,
// multiple StopPodSandbox calls are expected.
rpc StopPodSandbox(StopPodSandboxRequest) returns (StopPodSandboxResponse) {}
// RemovePodSandbox removes the sandbox. If there are any running containers
// in the sandbox, they must be forcibly terminated and removed.
// This call is idempotent, and must not return an error if the sandbox has
// already been removed.
rpc RemovePodSandbox(RemovePodSandboxRequest) returns (RemovePodSandboxResponse) {}
// PodSandboxStatus returns the status of the PodSandbox. If the PodSandbox is not
// present, returns an error.
rpc PodSandboxStatus(PodSandboxStatusRequest) returns (PodSandboxStatusResponse) {}
// ListPodSandbox returns a list of PodSandboxes.
rpc ListPodSandbox(ListPodSandboxRequest) returns (ListPodSandboxResponse) {}

// CreateContainer creates a new container in specified PodSandbox
rpc CreateContainer(CreateContainerRequest) returns (CreateContainerResponse) {}
// StartContainer starts the container.
rpc StartContainer(StartContainerRequest) returns (StartContainerResponse) {}
// StopContainer stops a running container with a grace period (i.e., timeout).
// This call is idempotent, and must not return an error if the container has
// already been stopped.
// TODO: what must the runtime do after the grace period is reached?
rpc StopContainer(StopContainerRequest) returns (StopContainerResponse) {}
// RemoveContainer removes the container. If the container is running, the
// container must be forcibly removed.
// This call is idempotent, and must not return an error if the container has
// already been removed.
rpc RemoveContainer(RemoveContainerRequest) returns (RemoveContainerResponse) {}
// ListContainers lists all containers by filters.
rpc ListContainers(ListContainersRequest) returns (ListContainersResponse) {}
// ContainerStatus returns status of the container. If the container is not
// present, returns an error.
rpc ContainerStatus(ContainerStatusRequest) returns (ContainerStatusResponse) {}
// UpdateContainerResources updates ContainerConfig of the container.
rpc UpdateContainerResources(UpdateContainerResourcesRequest) returns (UpdateContainerResourcesResponse) {}
// ReopenContainerLog asks runtime to reopen the stdout/stderr log file
// for the container. This is often called after the log file has been
// rotated. If the container is not running, container runtime can choose
// to either create a new log file and return nil, or return an error.
// Once it returns error, new container log file MUST NOT be created.
rpc ReopenContainerLog(ReopenContainerLogRequest) returns (ReopenContainerLogResponse) {}

// ExecSync runs a command in a container synchronously.
rpc ExecSync(ExecSyncRequest) returns (ExecSyncResponse) {}
// Exec prepares a streaming endpoint to execute a command in the container.
rpc Exec(ExecRequest) returns (ExecResponse) {}
// Attach prepares a streaming endpoint to attach to a running container.
rpc Attach(AttachRequest) returns (AttachResponse) {}
// PortForward prepares a streaming endpoint to forward ports from a PodSandbox.
rpc PortForward(PortForwardRequest) returns (PortForwardResponse) {}

// ContainerStats returns stats of the container. If the container does not
// exist, the call returns an error.
rpc ContainerStats(ContainerStatsRequest) returns (ContainerStatsResponse) {}
// ListContainerStats returns stats of all running containers.
rpc ListContainerStats(ListContainerStatsRequest) returns (ListContainerStatsResponse) {}

// UpdateRuntimeConfig updates the runtime configuration based on the given request.
rpc UpdateRuntimeConfig(UpdateRuntimeConfigRequest) returns (UpdateRuntimeConfigResponse) {}

// Status returns the status of the runtime.
rpc Status(StatusRequest) returns (StatusResponse) {}

ImageService 的 proto 接口定義文件:

<code>// ImageService defines the public APIs for managing images.
service ImageService {
// ListImages lists existing images.
rpc ListImages(ListImagesRequest) returns (ListImagesResponse) {}
// ImageStatus returns the status of the image. If the image is not
// present, returns a response with ImageStatusResponse.Image set to
// nil.
rpc ImageStatus(ImageStatusRequest) returns (ImageStatusResponse) {}
// PullImage pulls an image with authentication config.
rpc PullImage(PullImageRequest) returns (PullImageResponse) {}
// RemoveImage removes the image.
// This call is idempotent, and must not return an error if the image has
// already been removed.
rpc RemoveImage(RemoveImageRequest) returns (RemoveImageResponse) {}
// ImageFSInfo returns information of the filesystem that is used to store images.
rpc ImageFsInfo(ImageFsInfoRequest) returns (ImageFsInfoResponse) {}


  • CRI命令工具:crictl,幫助用戶和開發者調試容器問題
  • CRI測試工具:critest,用於驗證CRI接口的測試工具,驗證是否滿足Kubelet要求。

crictl 安裝:

wget https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cri-tools/releases/download/$VERSION/crictl-$VERSION-linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo tar zxvf crictl-$VERSION-linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /usr/local/bin
rm -f crictl-$VERSION-linux-amd64.tar.gz/<code>

critest 安裝:

wget https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cri-tools/releases/download/$VERSION/critest-$VERSION-linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo tar zxvf critest-$VERSION-linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /usr/local/bin
rm -f critest-$VERSION-linux-amd64.tar.gz/<code>


- Introducing Container Runtime Interface (CRI) in Kubernetes

- CNCF x Alibaba 雲原生技術公開課

- cri-tools

- shikanon.com

