

Not everyone's single represents a flirtatious state. Some people have no hope of falling in love. They just want to read quietly for a few years and get rich.


後來,我愛上了流浪,沒有歸期。而她愛上了他,沒有歸屬 ​​​。

Later, I fell in love with vagrancy, no return. And she fell in love with him, no belonging.






啊還有這首藏頭詩是給你的話 ​​​​

My cat grew up, and the tea tree made tea

Pleasant goat was finally eaten by Grey Wolf

Happy people become enemies at the end

You are still far away looking for the flower that does not wither

Ah, and the poem is for you



I've never given up on your liking, but it's changed from being in full swing to being silent.



My mind evaporates into clouds, then falls into rain, but I don't want to get wet with you.



The cat's tenth time is death, the fish's eighth second is forgetting, my first few disappointments are not loving you.



You seem to have lost weight, your hair has grown, and your back is so strange that I think it's the last century to see you. Then you call me by name, and I want to laugh, as if I've just finished school, and I've only waited for you at the door of the building for five minutes.



There are always regrets in life. This is the tuition fee.



There is no homosexual heterosexual bisexuality in the world at all, just the resonance of one soul with another. I like you, like you, not your gender, just you.


