看美劇學英語《了不起的麥瑟爾夫人》S01E08 261-265

256.It just seems as if maybe it's time to start getting on with our lives. 只是覺得也許是時候開始新的生活了。

✨get on with sth: to continue doing sth, especially after an interruption(中斷後)繼續做某事

Be quiet and get on with your work.


257.Then I think it's time. 我覺得現在是時候了。

✨it's time (for/to do sth): the time when sth happens or when sth should happen 是……的時候了

I think it's time to go to bed.


258.I'm up for a big promotion. 我可能得到很大的晉升。

✨be up for sth: being considered for sth, especially as a candidate 正被考慮,被提名

Two candidates are up for election.


【同義表達】in line for sth: likely to get sth 有可能獲得某物

She's in line for promotion.


看美劇學英語《了不起的麥瑟爾夫人》S01E08 261-265

259.He probably be against it. 他很可能反對。

✨against: opposing or disagreeing with sb/sth 反對; 與……相反

Are you for or against the death penalty?



  • disapprove
  • object to sb/sth
  • gainsay

260.I got you covered. 我能照顧好你/有我呢!

✨I got you covered.=I got your back.: to protect and support sb 保護,支持某人

