

an unclear Democratic primary election美國民主黨初選情況尚不明朗
Joe Biden swept the three states that voted last Tuesday: Florida, Illinois and Arizona. Bernie Sanders lost ground① badly in the delegate count. And the coronavirus pandemic continued to wreak② havoc③ on the most basic facets④ of American life, threatening to disrupt if not⑤ derail⑥ the remaining primary calendar. Mr. Biden holds a commanding lead of nearly 300 delegates over Mr. Sanders—a sum that makes it statistically improbable that Mr. Sanders could ever catch up. Yet it’s not clear what comes next—for Mr. Sanders or the primary itself. Georgia was supposed to vote this week, but that primary has been delayed. (The New York Times)



① lose ground: to become less successful compared with sb./sth. you are competing with 後退,失利,失去地盤

② wreck: [rek] vt. to damage or destroy sth. 破壞,毀壞

③ havoc: [ˈhævək] n. a situation in which there is a lot of damage, destruction or confusion 混亂,大破壞,大毀壞

④ facet: [ˈfæsɪt] n. a particular part or aspect of sth.(問題等的)一個方面

⑤ if not: used to suggest that sth. may be even large, more important, etc. than was first stated 甚至

⑥ derail: [dɪˈreɪl] vt. to spoil or interrupt a plan, agreement, etc. 使離開正常進程


In this image from video provided by BernieSanders.com, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks from Washington, March 17, 2020.(Credit: AP)
China expels① American journalists中方反制驅逐美記者
Beijing announced last Wednesday what it said was retaliation against US restrictions on Chinese journalists that includes revoking② the accreditations③ of American correspondents with the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post whose credentials④ expire by the end of 2020. The move is a sharp escalation of a dispute that saw Washington last month force Chinese state media firms to register as foreign embassies. Washington also slashed the number of journalists permitted to work in the US at four major Chinese state-owned media outlets⑤ to 100, from 160 previously. (Reuters)3月18日,中國政府宣佈,將對美方打壓中國記者的行為採取“反制措施”。《紐約時報》《華爾街日報》《華盛頓郵報》三家報社中,記者證於2020年底前到期的記者將被吊銷在華記者資格。此舉意味著爭端大幅升級。上月,美方強行將多家中國官媒列為“外國使團”,還大幅削減四家中國主要官媒駐美機構允許留美的記者人數,由原來的160人減至100人。


① expel: [rɪˈpɛl] vt. to force sb. to leave a country 驅逐出境

② revoke: [rɪˈvəʊk] vt. to officially cancel sth. so that it is no longer valid 吊銷,廢除,使無效

③ accreditation: [əˌkrɛdəˈteɪʃən] n. official approval given by an organization stating that sb./sth. has achieved a required standard 證明合格,達到標準

④ credentials: [krɪˈdɛnʃəlz] n. documents that prove that you are who you claim to be, and can therefore be trusted 資格證書,證件

⑤ outlet: [ˈaʊtlɛt] n. a shop/store or an organization that sells goods made by a particular company or a particular type 專營店,經銷店,分店


Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang speaks during the daily press briefing in Beijing on March 18, 2020.(Credit: AFP)

Yunxiang Gao and Jing Wang acquitted of sexual assault
Last Thursday, Chinese actor Yunxiang Gao and producer Jing Wang were found not guilty of a raft① of charges and cleared of sexually assaulting the woman inside the Shangri-La Hotel in Sydney in the early hours② of 27 March 2018. On the night of the alleged incident, Gao, Wang and the complainant③ were among a group of people partying and drinking following the conclusion of filming of Love in Aranya, a series which starred④ Gao. CCTV showed Wang and the woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, hugging and kissing inside a Sydney CBD⑤ karaoke bar. (The Guardian)3月19日,就中國演員高雲翔、製片人王晶性侵一案,澳洲法庭作出宣判,二人被判多項罪名均不成立,性侵罪名獲洗脫。兩人曾被控於2018年3月27日凌晨在悉尼香格里拉酒店對一名女子實施性侵。據稱,案發當晚,在高雲翔主演的電視連續劇《阿那亞戀情》殺青後,高雲翔、王晶和原告及其他人一起出席了酒會。監控顯示,在悉尼中央商務區一歌廳內,王晶與女當事人(出於法律原因,不能透露姓名)擁抱並接吻。


① raft: [rɑːft] n. a large number or amount of sth.【口】大量,許多② early hours: the period of time early in the morning, soon after midnight【美】凌晨③ complainant: [kəmˈpleɪnənt] n. the party who brings a legal complaint against another〖律〗原告④ star: [stɑː] vt. if a film, plays, etc. stars sb., that person has one of the main parts 由...擔任主演⑤ CBD = central business district 中央商務區


(Credit: The Australian)
a global race: finding a vaccine for COVID-19
With the number of confirmed coronavirus cases doubling in less than two weeks, to more than 300,000, all eyes have turned to the prospect of a vaccine, because only a vaccine can prevent people from getting sick. About 35 companies and academic institutions are racing to create such a vaccine, at least four of which already have candidates① they have been testing in animals. The first of these—produced by Boston-based biotech firm Moderna—will enter human trials imminently②. This unprecedented speed is thanks in large part to early Chinese efforts to sequence the genetic material of Sars-CoV-2. However, the vaccines are still a long way away from being available for public use, WHO officials cautioned③. Leading scientists say the clinical trials and safety approvals needed to get a workable vaccine to market could take up to 18 months. (CNBC, The Guardian)不到兩週,全球新冠肺炎確診病例數翻了一番,已有逾30萬人感染。所有人都轉而關注疫苗的研發,因為只有疫苗能預防感染。約有35家企業和學術機構競相研發疫苗,至少4家已研製出候選疫苗,並已投入動物試驗。第一批候選疫苗為總部設於波士頓的生物技術公司摩登那所生產,將很快進入人體試驗階段。此番研發速度前所未有,很大程度上要歸功於中國很早就測定了病毒遺傳物質序列。然而,世衛組織官員提醒,疫苗距離公眾使用仍有很長的路要走。權威科學家指出,要將有效的疫苗投入市場需要經過臨床試驗和安全認證,耗時最長可達18個月。


① candidate: [ˈkændɪˌdeɪt] n. a person or thing thought likely or worthy to gain a particular position 有望當選的人

② imminently: [ˈɪmɪnəntlɪ] adv. very soon 很快

③ caution: [ˈkɔːʃən] vt. to warn sb. about possible dangers and problems of sth.


Scientist Xinhua Yan worked in a lab at Moderna.(Credit: The Boston Globe)
Taylor Swift fans call Kanye West a liar黴黴粉絲稱侃爺撒謊
Leaked① footage② appears to show an unedited version of the infamous③ phone conversation that took place between Taylor Swift and Kanye West over the rapper’s song “Famous”. In 2016, West’s wife Kim Kardashian shared a clip④ that showed Swift approving a lyric in which West raps: “I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex. Why? I made that bitch famous.” Kardashian claimed the clip proved Swift was a “snake”⑤ because the pop star said she had not been informed that West would call her a “bitch” in the song. In the previously unseen footage that is being shared on Twitter, West is shown in a 25-minute conversation telling Swift about the song, explaining when he wants to release it and his hope that Swift would tweet it. “It has a very controversial line at the beginning of the song about you,” West tells her, adding: “I don’t think it’s mean.” “I need to think about it,” Swift tells him. “When you hear something for the first time you need to think about it, because it is absolutely crazy.” (The Independent)泰勒·斯威夫特曾與饒舌歌手坎耶·維斯特就後者的歌曲《出名》通過電話,該通話曾引起軒然大波。日前,未經剪輯的通話內容在一段視頻中曝光。2016年,維斯特的妻子金·卡戴珊分享過一段視頻,當時的視頻顯示,斯威夫特同意維斯特在說唱中採用歌詞:“我覺得我和泰勒可能還會做愛。為啥?因為我讓那婊子出名了。”卡戴珊表示,這段視頻證明了斯威夫特“太有心機”,因為斯威夫特說沒人告訴過她坎耶會在歌中稱她為“婊子”。如今推特上最新曝光的這段視頻之前從未公開過,該視頻顯示,25分鐘的對話裡,坎耶跟斯威夫特談了他的這首歌和期望的發佈時間,並表示希望斯威夫特幫發推特。坎耶告訴她:“歌曲開頭有一句關於你的歌詞,非常有爭議。”之後又補充道:“但我不覺得刻薄。”斯威夫特告訴韋斯特:“我要考慮考慮。第一次聽到這麼瘋狂的東西,真的還要再想想。”


① leaked: [liːkt] adj. (of secret information) given to the public, for example by telling a newspaper 洩露的,曝光的

② footage: [ˈfʊtɪdʒ] n. part of a film showing a particular event(視/音頻)片段,連續鏡頭

③ infamous: [ˈɪnfəməs] adj. well-known for being bad or evil 臭名昭著的,聲名狼藉的,不光彩的,丟人的

④ clip: [klɪp] n. a shot part of a film that is shown separately 一小段剪輯的視/音頻

⑤ a snake (in the grass): a person who pretends to be your friend but who cannot be trusted; a lurking danger, a secret enemy; a treacherous or deceitful person 潛伏的危險,隱患,背後捅刀子的朋友


(Credit: The Daily Beast)
maybe “the worst” financial crisis since 19291929年以來“最嚴重的”金融危機
Financial markets are facing their worst crisis since 1929, a veteran① analyst told CNBC last Friday, as top economists downgraded their forecasts to point to an impending global recession. Even though stocks across Europe, the US, and Asia looked to be heading for some welcome reprieve② last Friday, analyst Stephen Isaacs said the coronavirus crisis is “unprecedented” since there were already record levels of leverage and overbought③ stocks. Central banks and governments across major economies have deployed massive fiscal④ and monetary⑤ stimulus packages in recent weeks in the hope of cushioning⑥ the inevitable economic turmoil resulting from mass travel and industrial shutdowns in response to the pandemic. The S&P 500 has plunged by around 30% since its all-time high on Feb. 19, but Isaacs suggested there could be another 20% to go below 2,000 before the market could be considered “oversold.” Isaacs said the 1929 Great Depression was the closest bear market comparison. After the stock market crash of Oct. 29, 1929, the S&P 500 fell 86% in less than three years and did not regain its previous peak until 1954. (CNBC)3月20日,一位資深分析師在美國消費者新聞與商業頻道的節目中表示,金融市場正面臨1929年以來最嚴重的危機。與此同時,多名頂尖經濟學家下調了他們的經濟預期,指出全球經濟即將進入衰退期。儘管3月20日歐洲、美國和亞洲股市似有回暖之勢,但分析專家史蒂芬·艾薩克斯仍表示,槓桿和超買股票水平已突破歷史峰值,此次危機“前所未見”。最近幾周,各主要經濟體的央行和政府紛紛出臺大規模財政和貨幣激勵方案,以期緩和不可避免的經濟動盪,這一動盪是由新冠疫情大流行導致出行和產業大規模停擺引發的。標普500指數曾於2月19日創歷史高點,至今已暴跌約30%,但艾薩克斯表示,在市場被認定“超賣”之前,該指數或將繼續下跌20%至2000點以下。艾薩克斯稱,1929年經濟大蕭條的熊市格局最為接近此次危機。當年10月29日股市崩潰,不到三年,標普500指數下跌86%,直到1954年才恢復到之前的峰值。


① veteran: [ˈvetərən] n. a person who has a lot of experience in a particular area or activity 老手,經驗豐富的人

② reprieve: [rɪˈpriːv] n. a delay before sth. bad happen 暫時緩解

③ overbought: [ˌəʊvəˈbɔːt] adj. used to describe a security that analysts or traders believe is trading above its intrinsic value「反:oversold」超買

④ fiscal: [ˈfɪskəl] adj. connected with government or public money, esp. taxes 財政的

⑤ monetary: [ˈmʌnɪtərɪ] adj. connected with money, esp. all the money in a country 貨幣的

⑥ cushion: [ˈkʊʃən] vt. to make the effect of a fall or hit less severe 緩和


People gathering on Wall Street in front of the New York Stock Exchange, October 25, 1929.(Credit: CNBC)



