美國記者George Webb視頻講解美國零號病人


Host:Okay hello everyone this March 20th here and beautiful on the diplomatic back channel you can see it, I think, out the window here. and what we’re going to do today is two big things one we’re going to follow up on the coronavirus story the channel just or the news conference just ended. so we’re gonna follow up on who we believe patient zero was in October of 2019 in Wuhan. It’s going to be this person by the name of MAATJA BENASSI and we’re gonna follow up on that but we’re also going to show you how to add value in comments. So when we call it newsroom, we’re going to show you live, in person what newsroom is but then also you can play this game of you take the presentation so far in the comments so far and then you add value. You do a look up on MAATJA. And so everybody here around the table we have Dave from Detroit over here.Thanks Dave for being here. we have Tim from over here, and you are from Michigan. Not detroit, we have two Michigans, and then we have Canada with Scout over here. Scout is from Canada.

主持人:大家好,今天是3月20日,通過外交後臺頻道你可以看到窗戶外面很美。今天我們要做兩件大事。一件是我們要跟進新型冠狀病毒的故事。這個頻道或者記者招待會剛剛結束,因此我們將要跟進這個2019年10月在武漢的零號病人。這個人的名字是MAATJA BENASSI,我們會繼續講下去,但是我們也會在評論中添加有價值的東西。因此,當我們把它叫做新聞編輯室時,我們會現場向你展示什麼叫新聞編輯室。你也可以參與這個遊戲,在評論中接受演示,並添加有價值的內容。你可以查查MAATJA。今天的參與者有來自底特律的Dave,謝謝Dave到這兒來,還有Tim,你來自密歇根。不是底特律,我們有兩個密歇根人。然後是來自加拿大的Scout。

Host: So this is just exemplary, this is just an example to the show how one group and the idea is even with just a very few people 6-7 people by the time you get to the end of the first round you have more information than experts actually have. And this is you see this every day with Wikipedia. You know its starts out with the beagle as a dog and then you end up with you know the American Kennel Club version and the Western Minister Kennel Club and all that sort of thing.


Host:So here’s we’re going to go over the briefly the facts again. You can watch my video yesterday if you don’t remember but the facts here are MAATJA BENASSI is an armed diplomatic security officer we’re going to have a presentation right over here and we’ll show you her information go ahead.

主持人:這裡我們將再次簡要回顧一下事實。如果你不記得的話,你可以看看我們昨天的視頻。但事實上MAATJA BENASSI 是一名武裝外交安全官員。我們將在這裡做一個演示,我們將向你展示她的信息。

Host:She’s also a biker for the US Armed Forces. But you can see right off her Linkedln. She is armed diplomatic security officer from Woodbridge Virginia, not far from here. Up the diplomatic back-channel so that’s confirming what she does. Now she’s not just any armed diplomatic security officer, she actually works for member BHUJETTE and you calm the European Command. She actually works for a four-star general we don’t know if that’s James Jones bergy James Jones or not. But it may very well be see my episodes that I did on Bergy if you want to look at that. But we believe that actually she drove for the NATO supreme Allied commander which is James Jones. He’s the same guy with shadow net if you’ve watched my Bergy episodes, private first class Bergy.

主持人:她也是美軍的自行車手。你可以從她的Linkedln上看到,她是弗吉尼亞烏德布里奇的外交武官,駐地離這裡不遠。通過外交後臺頻道,可以確定她在做什麼。現在她不僅僅是一名武裝外交安全官員,實際還為BHUJETTE工作,你可以稱其為歐洲司令部。她實際上為一個四星上將工作,我們不知道是不是Bergy James Jones還是什麼名字,但是如果你想了解的話,可以看看我做的Bergy特輯。我們相信她實際上是北約盟軍最高指揮官James Jones的司機。如果你看過我的Bergy特輯,他就是那個有著暗影網的人,一等兵Bergy.

Host:So what we’re gonna do is now going to simulate the game which is now we’re gonna go around the room and people are going to add value, I’ll add mine later on because I presenting and so forth.


Host:So we’re gonna start with it the topic of MAATJA BENASSI and I’ll start with Wuhan. She was in Wuhan, she was in this bicycle race on October the 20th when she contracted the virus in Wuhan and We’ll go to Dave now as the first player in the first round.

主持人:因此我們將從MAATJA BENASSI 這個話題開始,從武漢開始。當她在武漢感染病毒時,她在武漢參與10月20日的自行車比賽。現在我們請Dave先發言。

Dave: I just learned this person’s name just today read it while we were watching the news conference so I just did a quick search on her and just discover that she was as a top cyclist she was leading the military games for three of the five laps and crashed and still did well but that’s really all I know is that she’s an excellent cyclist.


Host: And the military games were in Wuhan.


Dave: That’s was the article was she was leading that race and in that event and then had the fall and or crash and then still did well but just shows that she’s a great cyclist.


Host: And many nations were represented and many and if you have intel background it would be great place to spread a virus if that you were doing a battle well.


Dave: Seem like it’s like a military version of the Olympics just based on what I saw from Mark show just like a lot of different, you know spike, you know people would have done different training to go and sort of show their stuff in a games type environment.


Host: We’re going to the next slide and the we’ll move over to Tim in a second. Next slide just to show you that that’s a picture of her I believe in 2013. You can see the NATO on there. You can see that getting there and the different badges I don’t know if that’s marksman’s, I would guess that she would have to be a marksman. And again you can see that she was in Stuttgart at you come and Driver for the supreme Allied command there which is the SHAPE headquarters which we’ve talked a lot about the NATO generals and so forth. So we’re gonna move to Tim now, not exactly in the Detroit area. Tim, what would you add to?


Tim: What I just was find out George is these names I can connect with them on Linkedln. And the history of MATT MANASI and we’re in the Air Force the spaWars everything none of this is hidden. I didn’t I had never heard the name before but you know I’ve got his picture I can connect with them maybe I could ask him what’s going on.

Tim:George, 我發現的是這些名字我可以在Linkedln上找到。馬特·瑪納斯(MATT MANASI)的歷史和空軍的星球大戰,這些都是不可隱藏的。我沒有,我以前從未聽說過這個名字,但是你知道我有他的照片,我可以和他們聯繫,也許我可以問他發生了什麼事。

Host: Yeah, I mean that’s we’re close here in Virginia. There is a second person, I’ll go over here to our whiteboard again. There is a second person and I know this identity was used by MAATJA BENASSI. MAATJA also used this identity of Matt that’s a key linkage point between these to they’re both at Fort Belvoir. The real identity or the other identity or the alter identity of Matt is 13 years at SPAWAR. Now you could see easily if you’re trying to get an intel officer in Matt, Mott, it could be you bring in the cyclist as the cover, and then you bring an intel officer to do the dirty work. So, 13 years Air Force Space Command again SPAWAR comes up over and over again as this group of sort of newly created weapons group that happens after WWII with these paperclip Nazis and it seems now we’re going to go be going from Air Force Space Command all the way to space war SPAWAR, space command. So will and then an army and logistics command there as well. Now, I’ll add in another little piece here which is Benny. Benny Benassi this stroy has a lot of Benassi and this story has a lot of Dutch she’s Dutch she grows up in a Dutch neighborhood in high school but he’s also Dutch and he is the first coronavirus victims in Holland so that’s quite a coincidence if you ask me.

主持人:我的意思是我們離弗吉尼亞很近。還有第二個人,我會再次走到我們的白板前。還有第二個人,我知道這個身份被MAATJA BENASSI利用了。MAATJA還使用了Matt的這個身份,這是它們之間的一個關鍵聯繫點,因為他們都在貝爾沃堡。Matt的真實身份或另一個身份或替換身份是在空間戰與海戰系統司令部的13年。現在你可以很容易地看到,如果你想找一個情報官員,你可以讓自行車手作為掩護,然後你讓情報官員去做骯髒的工作。所以,13年來,空軍空間司令部和空間站與海戰系統司令部一次一次地出現,這是二戰之後新成立的武器組織,包含了那些回形針計劃中的納粹。現在我們似乎要從空軍空間司令部一路走到空間戰爭,走到空間戰與海戰系統司令部。這是軍隊和後勤司令部。現在,我將在這裡補充另外一小條,Benny, Benny Benassi。這個故事裡有很多Benassi,也有很多荷蘭人。她(MAATJA)是荷蘭人,在荷蘭的一個社區長大,上高中。他(Benny)也是荷蘭人,他是荷蘭第一個新型冠狀病毒受害者,所以如果你問我,這是一個非常巧合的事情。

Tim: so the Nazis deceased?


Host: No, they are quite alive.


Tim: they all survived?


Host: Yeah


Dave: The vantage cycle was in the fall last year, 2019 October


Host: Yes, they’re all still alive, she’s alive no fatality. So finally we’re gonna go to scout here and he is from Canada that NATO is being represented five Isis being represented here Canada don’t worry about Canada.


Scout: I would say three victims or people have contracted the virus with the same last name that’s just improbable. So is this intelligence code name?And I guess my comment would be other not enough. Americans to working in the intelligence forces we’ve got Fiona Hill at the state department. And a butch of Dutch people who all have the same last name who all contracted the virus.


Host: so, this is gonna go back again Mark Kulak reported on this not too long ago. Thank you very much scout. Our crack report on this connection of using diplomatic couriers again. we’re going to talk about diplomatic immunity. No searches for moving these different biological samples to 29 different places that doing weapons development and the weapons development was know as a CBEP that was a cooperative biological enhancement program which is a weapons development program. That’s the key thing to note here is these CBEP comes from Tbilisi Georgia. We can trace the travel the MAATJA to Tbilisi Georgia. That’s important because that means there was careering going on now. I’m not saying she know about it, she may be the cover, she may be the driver. But then the Mott could be used as a cover and the operative.


Dave: they look cover, married couple or anything like that?


Host: great question, and this would be great for people on the internet to look up and see like some people have genealogy.com, some people have newspapers.com, some people have other different research tools that you can use. Go ahead, Tim?


Tim: I just wanted to do they know Rudy Decker(?), do they know the Dutch that were involved in the 9/11, did they were on the airports?

Tim:我只是想知道他們認識Rudy Decker嗎?因為他們被人們知道是參加了911事件的。他們是在機場的。

Host: Yeah, that’s a great question. So Rudy Decker maps to again these is bio weapons because Rudy Decker has an IP address also mapping to Fort Belvoir. Remember all the different people in our story that mapped to Fort Belvoir, we have the three Ukrainians with ok NY ants keefe and parr nests we also have Adam Schiff and Peter struck connecting to them. And now we also have Rudy Decker’s connecting to Fort Belvoir. That’s really important because one of the scholars from one of the foundations that an employee came up to me where these weapons are developed from the University of Delaware and said, hey it’s the Duesberg foundation. I’ll just tell you the answer to the test right now. We don’t know that’s just somebody who came up from the foundation and said, hey it’s the Duesberg foundation. I’m gonna tell you the answer. We do have documentary evidence that three scientists from North Carolina from Wuhan came to the University of North Carolina and worked on the (bat horseshoe). Adaptation that the zoonotic transfer usually you need us internmediate animal to then transfer to humans. It doesn’t usually go not many humans eats bats, doesn’t usually go. You goes to an intermediate animal sometimes it’s a pig or something like that then to the human. So we don’t have those answers but again it’s interesting that this coronavirus is derivative of that zoonotic transfer from bats. Again, a lot of things pointing to Fort Detrick where weapons development has occurred for a long time. And a lot of things pointing to this the scientists. Yeah, go ahead Tim?

主持人:這是個很好的問題。魯迪·德克爾再次指向到這些是生物武器,因為魯迪·德克爾也有一個指向到貝爾沃堡的IP地址。要記得,我們故事中所有人都指向了貝爾沃堡。we have the three Ukrainians with ok NY ants keefe and parr nests(這句實在聽不出來)我們還有Adam Schiff和Peter建立了聯繫。然後現在我們發現Rudy Decker和貝爾沃堡有聯繫,這一點非常重要,因為一個基金會的一個學者找到我,說這些武器是特拉華大學研發的,然後說:“嘿,這是杜斯堡基金會,我現在就告訴你考試的答案”。我們不知道那只是一個從基金會走出來的人來告訴我們結果。我們確實有文件證據表明,三名北卡羅萊納州曾去過武漢的科學家來到北卡羅萊納大學研究馬蹄形蝙蝠。人畜共患傳染病轉移通常需要我們中間的動物來轉移給人類。一般情況下是很難傳播的,因為人們通常是不會吃蝙蝠的。你去找一箇中間動物,有時它是一隻豬或是類似的動物,然後通過它去傳播給人類。所以我們沒有這些答案,但有趣的是,這種冠狀病毒是蝙蝠傳播的動物傳染病的衍生物。再一次,許多事情指向德特里克堡(美軍生物實驗室),那裡的武器發展已經發生了很長時間,同時許多科學家指出了這一點。好,Tim,你說。

Tim: So people to get to coronavirus. These official things how long doese it last for these people?


Host: I think it’s you know in the case it depends on your treatment. If you get the complement. I’m very familiar with a case where the person got the complement from the SARS virus. If you’re not killed by SARS, remember there was a 2003 attack, if you’re not killed by that and you have your plasma taken out. You get rid of an the bad stuff the poison the pathogen and you raise the antibodies. That person is white blood cells have the antibody, have the key thing you need to defeat the strike protein. That’s what you have to do is you have to block that receptor. That’s the attention to receptor. (後面就是不重要的廢話了)



1. 德特里克堡:Fort Detrick,德特里克堡為發展中心,從1943年到1969年一直在發展美國的生物武器計劃。美國當地時間2020年3月10日,美國白宮請願網站“我們人民”(We the People)出現一條請願貼。該貼列舉近期一系列“大”事件,包括新冠肺炎疫情在全球暴發,以及大量關於“德特里克堡被關閉”的英文新聞報道被刪除等,就此要求美國政府公開全美最大生化武器基地德特里克堡的信息,並公佈關閉德特里克堡的“真正原因”,以澄清該實驗室是否是新型冠狀病毒(COVID19)的研究單位,以及是否存在病毒洩漏問題。·2019年7月,位於德特里克堡的美國陸軍最高機密傳染病醫學研究所被關閉;





2020年3月,有關德特里克堡關閉的大量英語新聞報道被刪除,顯示“ 404未找到”。

2. SHAPE Headquarters:北約歐洲最高司令部

3. SPAWAR:太空與海戰系統司令部

