英文外刊-2020年限定流行色:Classic Blue

英文外刊-2020年限定流行色:Classic Blue

Pantone's 2020 color of the year is the new black


It's the color of blue jeans, blueberries, and the sky at dusk. Pantone's Color of the Year 2020 is Classic Blue. It's what the color forecasters at Pantone have deemed to be a comforting, timeless color for a time of change.


“Many of us looked at 2020 as the future, but now we' re here,says L aurie Pressman, VP at Pantone Color Institute.“Here”is an admittedly unstable place. Social media sucks our attention and breed sanxiety. We' re SO connected, yet our relationships are suffering.


And amid all this, Pantone was faced with deciding which color best expressed the zeitgeist一 a tradition now in its 20th year.“We landed back on the blue family,”says Pressman.“..[blue is] the feeling of calm and reassurance that help us have that confidence to move forward."

而在這一切紛繁當中,潘通必須抉擇出一個顏色,來最好地闡釋時代思潮這 是潘通評選年度代表色這個傳統的第20個年頭。“ 我們迴歸到了藍色這個色系,”普萊斯曼指出,“......藍色傳達著一種寧靜和安心的意味,能幫助我們獲得信心繼續向前邁進。

Classic Blue is the color of the sky at dusk,Pressman says, which is a strong visual symbol about fresh starts. Since it's the sky, it's also a color of blue everyone sees everywhere around the world一a universal color that transcends global cultures.


For Pantone, picking the right shade of the moment is a showcase for its bigger business. The company profits from selling everything from swatches to the chemical formulas for its proprietary colors.Pantone also consults with various product companies across industries to keep their colors timely. With the Color of the Year, Pantone offers a free trend forecast to the wider world, in a play to lead the conversation about color and further cement its expertise.

對於潘通而言,挑選時下最契合的色度也是為了展示它更廣闊的商業版圖。這家公司的盈利之路涵蓋了從顏色樣品到專色化學式(專 利顏色的化學配方)等各路產品的銷售。此外,潘通還會與各行各業的各類產品型公司磋商,以確保自己推出的顏色合乎時宜。以年度色為依託,潘通向更廣泛的業界提供了免費的趨勢預測,這一舉動使它能夠在色彩領域享有話語主導權,並能進一步夯實它的領先技術。

