


People have died in the ER while waiting for a bed. There aren't enough ventilators. This entire hospital will soon be dedicated to the coronavirus.

New York City hospitals are at the center of the pandemic in the U.S. “It’s apocalyptic," one doctor said.

ER abbr. 急診室(emergency room)

ventilators /ˈvɛntɪˌleɪtə/ n. 【醫】呼吸機

dedicated /ˈdɛdɪˌkeɪtɪd/ adj. 專用的

coronavirus /kəˈrəʊnəˌvaɪrəs/ n. 冠狀病毒;日冕形病毒

pandemic /pænˈdɛmɪk/ n. (全國或全球性)流行病,瘟疫

apocalyptic /əˌpɒkəˈlɪptɪk/ adj. 描述(歷史)大動亂的;預示(未來)大災變的;像世界末日的;嚴重的,災難性的;(與)《聖經·啟示錄》(有關)的,像《聖經·啟示錄》中描述的;極其壯觀的,極其浮誇的;最高潮的,最具決定性的(戰爭等)

People have died in the ER while waiting for a bed.


There aren't enough ventilators.


This entire hospital will soon be dedicated to the coronavirus.

New York City hospitals are at the center of the pandemic in the U.S.


“It’s apocalyptic," one doctor said.


