新加坡 Canvas House 純白色的共享居住空間

設計 \\ Design:Figment x MOD

圖片 \\ Photo:Edward Hendricks, CI&A Photography

新加坡 Canvas House 純白色的共享居住空間


MOD has newly completed an all-white Canvas House for co-living, set in a heritage shophouse in Singapore along Blair Road.

新加坡 Canvas House 純白色的共享居住空間

新加坡 Canvas House 純白色的共享居住空間

新加坡 Canvas House 純白色的共享居住空間


Historic dwellings like conservation shophouses are repositories of memories, with previous lives and a past of their own. Colin and his team conceptualised the “Canvas House", exploring our relationship with the past, present and future through the concept of layers, time and up-cycling.

新加坡 Canvas House 純白色的共享居住空間

新加坡 Canvas House 純白色的共享居住空間

新加坡 Canvas House 純白色的共享居住空間

新加坡 Canvas House 純白色的共享居住空間

新加坡 Canvas House 純白色的共享居住空間

新加坡 Canvas House 純白色的共享居住空間


Blurring the boundaries between space and object, MOD conceptually blanketed Canvas House with a layer of white that provides a canvas for the future, and focuses historical preservation in concentrated areas.

新加坡 Canvas House 純白色的共享居住空間

新加坡 Canvas House 純白色的共享居住空間

新加坡 Canvas House 純白色的共享居住空間

新加坡 Canvas House 純白色的共享居住空間


Colin elaborates, “When it comes to adaptive reuse projects, the question is always the same, how do we tread the line between the past and the present? If one opts for the project to be just about preservation, it's as good as time standing still… which could be paralysing and inhibiting. But at the same time, neither do we want to disregard history completely by creating something too foreign or novel. Our response was to layer over the existing history with a proverbial blank canvas whilst leaving choreographed glimpses into the past, blanketing both space and the furniture in it - allowing us to blur the inherent boundaries between past and present, object and space.”

新加坡 Canvas House 純白色的共享居住空間

新加坡 Canvas House 純白色的共享居住空間


The house rhythmically reveals parts of its past, with Shadows of old timber as well as Layers of revealed brick and intricate details of pre-owned furniture. Majority of the tables, chairs, chests, mirrors, screens and vanity desks, were re-purposed and given a new lease of life. To pay homage to the past, yet give it character for the future, MOD painted these up-cycled pieces all-white but carved out “playful peek-a-boo reveals” of vignettes on the decorative vases, ceramic plates and corner legs of wooden screens, vanity dressers and chairs. Historic details are preserved in a similarly conceptual fashion, where brick walls are revealed in concentrated circles.

新加坡 Canvas House 純白色的共享居住空間

新加坡 Canvas House 純白色的共享居住空間

同時,MOD邀請來訪者用工作室創作的基於文本的霓虹燈作品Dream來想象未來,其中引用了Thomas Jefferson的一句話,概括了MOD對Canvas House的處理方法。“比起過去的歷史,我更喜歡未來的夢想”,這句話總結了房子的態度;設計師科林解釋說:“這是一幅想象未來的中性的白色畫布,而不是對過去的大規模致敬。”

At the same time, MOD invites visitors to imagine a future with Dream, a text-based neon piece that the studio created, with a quote by Thomas Jefferson that encapsulates MOD’s approach to Canvas House. The quote "I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past” summarizes the attitude of the house; Colin explains, “it is a neutral white canvas for the future to be dreamt upon, rather than a wholesale homage to the past.

新加坡 Canvas House 純白色的共享居住空間

新加坡 Canvas House 純白色的共享居住空間

新加坡 Canvas House 純白色的共享居住空間

設計概念與平面 Concept and Plan

新加坡 Canvas House 純白色的共享居住空間

新加坡 Canvas House 純白色的共享居住空間

設計公司 / Design Company: MINISTRY OF DESIGN

設計師 / Designer: Colin Seah, Kornpetch Chotipatoomwan (Nong), Yupadee Suvisith (Fai), Justin Lu, Zhang Hang

開發商 / Developer: Fang Low, Gan Inn Siang

畫作提供 / Painting: Reimage (furniture, artifacts, art) , Ong Nga Renovation (walls, stairs)

承包商 / General Contractor: Forte Resources

電路 / Electrician: Logic Engineering

攝影 / Photography: Edward Hendricks, CI&A Photography

設計時間 / Design Time: 2019.10-11

裝修與採購 / Fit out & Procurement: 2019.11 - 2020.01

軟裝進場 / Soft Launch: 2020.02

