Dealing with Traffic Offences交通違法執法現場


Some traffic police officers in Hainan, unable to speak English, hold back from stopping and correcting foreign traffic offenders in China. For timely and efficient traffic management, traffic police officers should master the English they need to speak when they deal with foreign traffic offenders and inflict such penalties as giving warning, imposing a fine, suspending or revoking a license, and impounding a vehicle in accordance with the law.


Pattern Drills 句型操練

Dealing with Traffic Offences交通违法执法现场
  • 【重磅】“車牌可互換”等9項措施我省6月1日起施行

  • 你關心的問題在這裡|新國標執行後原有電動車怎麼辦?

  • 海南省小客車保有量調控管理辦法(試行)

  • 主 編 | 孔建 武豔琰

  • 編 輯 | 卓書嫻 鄭帥忠 李婷

Dealing with Traffic Offences交通违法执法现场

海南省公安廳交通警察總隊Traffic police in hainan

Dealing with Traffic Offences交通违法执法现场

