Things Never to say on a Business Call商務電話禮儀不能說的話

Good phone manners have always been important. You will be amazed at the number of corporations, small businesses and even call centers that ignore basic phone courtesies. The result is often lost business, irate customers and squandered opportunities.


Things Never to say on a Business Call商務電話禮儀不能說的話

If you want to keep and add customers, keep from saying these things on the phone."That's not our policy." This excuse to avoid taking action on complaints or requests is not only poor manners. It's also damaging. If you cannot grant the request or fix the complaint,you ought to consult a superior for advice or be given authority to find alternatives that will transform the customer from dissatisfied to appreciative. Either way, keep the customer informed at every stage .


"That's not my department," or "That's not my job." Everyone and anyone working for the company must be prepared to fill any and every caller's needs. At the very least, if you lack knowledge or responsibility, you should get a phone number; ask a manager for help and call back with information that does the trick.


Things Never to say on a Business Call商務電話禮儀不能說的話

" Could you call back ? We're real busy right now . " This one always surprises the business mind. But employees say it more often than you'd think. It always makes me wonder: Busy with what? Lunch dates? So make sure not to get away with saying anything even close to this.


"I was just waiting to get more information before calling you back." Everyone knows this is a ploy. If you were really gathering information, you'd send e-mail or leave an explanatory voice mail-which is what every pro does with important contacts. All this phrase does is insult the caller by signaling that he or she has no priority in your schedule - or else that you're incompetent. Either way, if you're avoiding someone's calls, be more creative.


Things Never to say on a Business Call商務電話禮儀不能說的話

Every time an employee picks up a receiver, the possibility of gaining or losing business is on the line. Attitude matters. Courtesy counts. Tone tells all. Make sure your opportunities don't go unanswered.


