


Bikini Evolution

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From the “natural bating” in the medieval age when people covered their private parts with flax, to the primitive forms of swimsuit between 17th and 19th century, until the birth of bikini in the 20th century --- this history of the development of swimsuit is doubtless an evolution of human self-knowledge.



Swimsuits before bikini


Before 16th century, people, whether men or women, swam naked. In the medieval age when it was regarded a sin to expose the flesh, men wore “aprons”and women flax shirts --- a privilege of the nobility. It was not until the late 18-19 century that a great number of the general people began to amuse themselves on the seaside, leading to the gradual popularity of the swimsuit. In the early years of the Victorian age, women wore blouses or pants as “swimsuits”.

19世紀60年代,Amelia Bloomer推出了束腰式新款泳衣——下穿土耳其式收腳踝燈籠褲,上穿款式簡潔的及膝連衣裙。這種對傳統服裝的大膽挑戰,立即遭到了保守人士的否決,而時隔多年後,這個建議卻在海灘邊成為了大眾的寵兒。如今Bloomers也成為泛指女性穿著的燈籠褲的代名詞。此後,泳裝只有一些細小的變化,比如無袖或小裙襬,但上層社會婦女,還是要穿著燈籠褲或黑色長筒襪和帶有蕾絲花邊的鞋子,方顯得體。

A new swimsuit --- the corset-style, launched by Amelia Bloomer in the 1860s, a daring challenge to traditional clothing, was immediately vetoes by conservative people. Years later this suggestion became a favorite of the public on beaches. Now Bloomers has become a byword for women’s knickers. Since then swimsuits have seen only some changes in details.

