清遺怪才辜鴻銘 (原創英譯文)


Conservative Gu Hongming


Gu Hongming was a great scholar in the early years of the twentieth century. While teaching at Peking University, he lived at Chunshu Lane. One day, he invited some western friends to dinner at his house. His house was not lighted by electric lights but by kerosene burners, filling the house with irritating smoke smell. Those foreigners said the kerosene lamps were not as bright as electric lamps. Gu replied, "We Easterners attach great importance to purify our minds to seek the truth. As we have a clearer mind, our kerosene lamp looks naturally bright. We are not like Westerners who pay so much attention to the appearance." He then took the opportunity to expand on Buddhist teachings and philosophy. Consequently, there circulated a saying among Westerners: Once in China, it is not sensible not to see the three main palace Halls, neither is it not to see Gu Hongming.


Who was this Mr Gu? His profile on Baidu: Born in Southeast China, educated in the West, married to a Japanese girl and serving in the Beiyang Government. Holding 13 doctorates, reading English newspapers backward in order to make fun of English people, describing Americans uncultured, he was the first to translate Lun Yu and Zhong Yong into English and German. Eloquent, he elaborated on Confucianism to the then Japanese Prime Minister Itō Hirobumi, had correspondence with the literary mater Leo Tolstoy discussing the world culture and political situation. He was hailed as "the noblest Chinese man" by Mahatma Gandhi.

