
The greatest stranger to Mozart was Mozart himself. The greatest gifts he made were given to those who never helped him. More than any other light in music he needed a true friend; he never found one. His heart overflowed with the most tender and ideal love that imagination can create, but it never was appreciated as long as it burned.




When a boy of five or six he astounded Europe by his magnificent concert-playing; thirty years later his coffin was piled upon others in a potter’s-field trench. Such, in brief, is the history of Wolfgang Mozart.


Of Mozart’s early boyhood little is known beyond the traditionary folk-lore that lurks about the early history of most of the great musicians of a century and more ago.


His most prominent characteristics were his best, and, for that matter, he never had any bad traits. He showed early that his delicate sensitiveness was second only to a generous, unaffected and kind disposition. All through life he was thus. It might be said that he was born a gentleman.



He was an extremely affectionate child, and was deferential to his mates and to his elders. So classically pure was his mind and so instinctively ideal were his likes that he could not see the imperfect nor bear to view pain or distress without experiencing an emotion so physically active as to reflect in counterpart the pain or distress that he noticed。


Such a supersensitiveness naturally reacted unfavorably, and thus it came that, because his mind was so superior to his body, his body suffered and was easy prey to the subsequent life of irregularity, exposure, and deprivation.


莫扎特《第四小提琴協奏曲》 獨奏:文格洛夫

None the less, Mozart was a boy in the fullest sense of the word. Though he romped and spun somersaults in laces and velvet, he was just as boyish and whole-souled about it as Wagner in his madcap pranks with butchers’ boys, or Schubert in his beduck pond village. As a boy Mozart was full of humor.



He liked a good joke hugely and never failed to perpetrate one on others when chance offered. In this, however, he was never boisterous or untimely.


His humor, like his music, was the outgrowth of an irrepressible love for the beautiful and joyous.



Mozart’s incomprehensible precocity is elsewhere dilated upon. At the age of three years he had composed a minuet so perfect in its simplicity that one is in despair for words of comment. At six he was traveling with his father, giving concerts all over Europe and composing almost constantly.


At that age his piano-playing was marvelous, besides which he was an excellent violinist. He was petted by the highest in lands and courts into which his fame preceded him. Far from being the inscrutable genius one would think, Mozart was fresh, naïve, unspoiled, and full of life and spring.


