
White House projects 100K to 240K US deaths from virus



Associated Press 美聯社April 1, 2020, 7:02 AM GMT+82020年4月1日,格林尼治標準時間上午7:02 +8


WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump on Tuesday warned Americans to brace for a “rough two-week period” ahead as the White House released new projections that there could be 100,000 to 240,000 deaths in the U.S. from the coronavirus pandemic even if current social distancing guidelines are maintained.


Public health officials stressed that the number could be less if people change their behavior.


“We really believe we can do a lot better than that,” said Dr. Deborah Birx, the coordinator of the White House coronavirus task force. That would require all Americans to take seriously their role in preventing the spread of disease, she said.

“我們真的相信我們可以做得更好,”白宮冠狀病毒工作組的協調員Deborah Birx博士說。她說,這將要求所有美國人認真對待他們在預防疾病傳播方面的作用。

Trump called American efforts to slow the spread of the coronavirus “a matter of life and death” and urged the public to heed his administration’s guidelines. He predicted the country would soon see a “light at the end of the tunnel” in the pandemic that has killed more than 3,500 Americans and infected 170,000 more.


"I want every American to be prepared for the hard days that lie ahead,” Trump said. “We're going to go through a very tough two weeks."


Dr. Anthony Fauci, the government’s top infectious disease expert, said the numbers are “sobering” and called on Americans to “step on the accelerator” with their collective mitigation efforts.

政府的首席傳染病專家Anthony Fauci博士說,這些數字是“令人警醒的”,並呼籲美國人“踩下油門”,共同努力緩解疫情。

“We are continue to see things go up,” Fauci said. “We cannot be discouraged by that because the mitigation is actually working and will work."


Birx said pandemic forecasts initially predicted 1.5 million to 2.2 million deaths in the U.S. But that was a worst-case scenario, without efforts to slow the spread of the coronavirus through social distancing.


Birx said states that have not yet seen a spike in cases as New York has could take action to flatten the curve of rising hospitalizations and deaths.


As for the projection of 100,000-240,000 deaths, Fauci of the National Institutes of Health said: “We don’t accept that number, that that's what it's going to be. ... We want to do much better than that.”

對於10萬至24萬人死亡的預測,美國國立衛生研究院(National Institutes of Health)的福西說:“我們不接受這個數字,它將會是這個數字。”我們想要做得更好。”

The comments came after Trump announced Sunday that he was extending to April 30 the social distancing guidelines that urged Americans to cease social gatherings, work from home, suspend onsite learning at schools and more in a nationwide effort to stem the spread of the virus.


It was an abrupt reversal for Trump, who spent much of last week targeting April 12 as the day he wanted to see Americans “pack the pews” for Easter Sunday services.


Trump called the data “very sobering” saying it was his understanding that the 100,000 deaths was a minimum that would be difficult to avoid. He also sought to rewrite his past minimization of the outbreak, saying he rejected those who compared the new coronavirus to the flu — when in fact he repeatedly did so publicly.


“This could be helluva bad two weeks,'” Trump said.


Many states and local governments already have stiffer controls in place on mobility and gatherings.


Birx said the experiences of Washington state and California give her hope that other states can keep the coronavirus under control through social distancing. That’s because they moved quickly to contain the early clusters of coronavirus by closing schools, urging people to work from home, banning large gatherings and taking other measures now familiar to most Americans, she noted.


“I am reassured by looking at the Seattle line,” she added. “California and Washington state reacted very early to this.”


Trump spoke after another troubling day for the stock market, which has been in a free fall as the cononavirus ground the economy to a near-halt and left millions unemployed. The Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged more than 400 points, or roughly 1.9%, to seal the worst first-quarter finish of its 135-year history.

特朗普發表這番講話之前,股市又經歷了麻煩的一天。隨著cononavirus病毒讓美國經濟陷入近乎停滯的狀態,並導致數百萬人失業,股市直線下跌。道瓊斯工業股票平均價格指數(Dow Jones Industrial Average)重挫逾400點,跌幅約為1.9%,創下該指數135年曆史上第一季度最差收盤點位。

