
Boris Johnson learns no one is immune to Covid-19

鮑里斯·約翰遜(Boris Johnson)瞭解到,沒有人能倖免於covid19

Opinion by Rosa Prince 羅莎·普林斯的觀點

Updated 1851 GMT (0251 HKT) March 31, 2020



Rosa Prince is an author and journalist who writes about US and UK politics. She is the author of " 羅莎·普林斯(Rosa Prince)是一名作家兼記者,她撰寫有關美國和英國政治的文章。她是《Theresa May: The Enigmatic Prime Minister 特里薩·梅:神秘的首相." The opinions in this article belong to the author. Read more 這篇文章中的觀點屬於作者。閱讀更多opinion 的意見 on CNN. 在CNN。

(CNN)British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has spent a lifetime convinced he is immune from the rules lesser mortals must abide by. The trouble is, no one told Covid-19.


For much of Johnson's 55 years, his belief that he was 在約翰遜55年的大部分時間裡,他相信自己是inoculated from disaster 接種的災難 appeared to be borne out. His 似乎被證實了。他的most shameless transgressions 最無恥的過犯 were greeted with tolerance; his follies, fatal in another politician, dismissed as "Boris being Boris." Until suddenly last summer the rule-breaker became the rule-maker and Johnson entered Downing Street as Prime Minister.迎接他們的是寬容;他的愚蠢在另一位政治家身上是致命的,被斥為“鮑里斯就是鮑里斯”。直到去年夏天,打破規則的人突然變成了規則制定者,約翰遜以首相的身份入主唐寧街。


Rosa Prince


Then along came a pandemic which has placed 隨後爆發了一場流行病a third of the world in lockdown 世界上三分之一的地方被封鎖 and reached every corner of the globe. It is a crisis even 到達了地球的每一個角落。甚至可以說是一場危機Johnson's great hero約翰遜的大英雄 Winston Churchill might have flinched at. 溫斯頓·丘吉爾可能會退縮。

Some predicted the coronavirus would prove the making of the man, elevating him from a figure akin to Shakespeare's Prince Hal at the start of Henry IV, carousing with Falstaff and playing the fool, to the warrior king, the future Henry V.


But while he did his best to assume the gravitas of a wartime leader, using his impressive rhetorical skills in a series of press conferences and addresses to the nation, behind the scenes Johnson could not quite believe the restrictions 儘管約翰遜在一系列的新聞發佈會上和全國演講中運用了令人印象深刻的修辭技巧,盡其所能地表現出戰時領導人的莊嚴,但在幕後,他卻不太相信這些限制he was imposing 他是壯觀的 also applied to him. He issued orders to stay home, and yet continued to hold meetings in person, shake hands, and ignore the advice he was giving. 也適用於他。他下令呆在家裡,但仍繼續親自開會,與人握手,無視他提出的建議。

And now the British leader 現在輪到英國領導人了has himself fallen ill 他自己病了嗎?with coronavirus, the first world leader to do so. He may have avoided this diagnosis if he had played by the rules -- something he is not fond of doing. 在冠狀病毒方面,他是世界上第一個這樣做的領導人。如果他遵守了規則——他不喜歡做的事情——他可能已經避免了這個診斷。


Prince Charles may help us keep calm and stay home 查爾斯王子可能會幫助我們保持冷靜,呆在家裡

Holed up in isolation, his meals 與世隔絕,他的飯left outside the door 放在門外 of his flat above 11 Downing Street, Johnson, who is so far said to be displaying only mild symptoms, continues to 在他位於唐寧街11號的公寓裡,到目前為止,約翰遜只表現出輕微的症狀conduct meetings via a Zoom video 通過縮放視頻主持會議 conferencing line, despite concerns at Britain's Ministry of Defence about the security of the app. 儘管英國國防部對這款應用的安全性表示擔憂,但這款應用仍然可以用於會議。

His pregnant fiancée, Carrie Symonds, 他懷孕的未婚妻凱莉·西蒙茲is thought to have moved out 被認為搬走了嗎. It is not known whether she came into contact with Johnson during the approximately 36 hours between his first symptoms developing on Wednesday and his diagnosis at midnight on Thursday -- a period when he should have, but did not, self-isolate. 。目前尚不清楚她是否在約翰遜週三首次出現症狀到週四午夜被診斷出患有自閉症之間的大約36小時內與他接觸。約翰遜本應在這段時間內進行自我隔離,但卻沒有。

Within hours of the Prime Minister's stunning announcement via a video 在首相通過視頻宣佈這一驚人消息的幾個小時內posted to Twitter 發佈到微博 that he had the disease, 他得了這種病the two men 這兩個男人 who along with Johnson have provided the public face of the British Government's response to the pandemic, Health Secretary Matt Hancock and Chris Whitty, the chief medical officer, announced they too were in isolation (the former has been diagnosed with Covid-19 while the latter has symptoms). On Monday, Johnson's top adviser, Dominic Cummings, announced 衛生部長馬特·漢考克(Matt Hancock)和首席醫務官克里斯·惠蒂(Chris Whitty)宣佈,世衛組織和約翰遜為英國政府應對流感大流行提供了公眾形象,他們也在隔離中(前者被診斷為covid19,後者有症狀)。週一,約翰遜的首席顧問多米尼克·卡明斯(Dominic Cummings)宣佈了這一消息he would self-isolate 他將self-isolate after experiencing symptoms. 在經歷的症狀。

The trio had taken part in numerous meetings and briefings together in recent weeks; when one fell ill it was perhaps inevitable that they all would.


There is currently a guessing game in Westminster, as amateur epidemiologists seek the Patient Zero responsible for infecting the Prime Minister. The exercise seems pointless now. Anyone who listened to Johnson's stern admonitions to the public to work from home could have told him that from the moment he heard the terrible news coming out of Wuhan, he should have boarded himself up in a Downing Street broom cupboard.


Instead, on March 3, from the lectern at 10 Downing Street, 相反,3月3日,在唐寧街10號的講臺上,he boasted 他吹噓 of visiting a hospital where coronavirus patients were being treated: "I shook hands with everybody, you'll be pleased to know, and I continue to shake hands with everybody." 談到參觀一家治療冠狀病毒患者的醫院時,他說:“我和每個人都握手了,你會很高興知道的,我也會繼續和每個人握手。”


The lessons of living in the coronavirus crisis 在冠狀病毒危機中生存的教訓

Daily press conferences and Cabinet meetings continued long after it became clear the virus was circulating in Westminster. As late as the day before his diagnosis, 每日的新聞發佈會和內閣會議持續了很長一段時間後,病毒在威斯敏斯特傳播清楚。直到確診前一天,he took part 他參加了 in Prime Minister's Question Time. Given the known incubation period of the disease, Johnson may potentially have exposed dozens of lawmakers to the virus.在首相問答時間。鑑於已知的疾病潛伏期,約翰遜可能已經讓數十名議員接觸了病毒。

But then, Johnson is a libertarian. He 但話說回來,約翰遜是一個自由主義者。他chafed at the restrictions on his own life 對自己生活中的種種限制感到惱火, as he struggled in the preceding weeks to accept the prospect of imposing a lockdown on the free country he loves. He kept Britain's schools open 在此之前的幾周裡,他一直在努力接受對這個他熱愛的自由國家實施封鎖的前景。他保持了英國學校的開放long after other nations 在其他國家之後很久, including neighboring Ireland and France. The 包括鄰國愛爾蘭和法國。的Cheltenham horse racing festival 切爾滕納姆賽馬節, which ,這attracts crowds 吸引的人群 of more than 250,000, went ahead on March 10, as his team insisted the virus was 正如他的團隊所堅持的那樣,超過25萬的人在3月10日繼續工作unlikely to be spread 不太可能傳播 outdoors. That day there were 10 deaths from Covid-19 in the UK. Ten days on there have been 在戶外。那天,英國有10人死於Covid-19。已經過去十天了more than 1,000 超過1000.

Through it all, right up until he himself fell sick, Johnson continued to play the jester. In a call with business leaders in which he urged them to build ventilators, he is said to have 經歷了這一切,直到他自己生病,約翰遜繼續扮演小丑。據說,在與商界領袖的一次電話中,他敦促他們建造通風機joked the project be codenamed 開玩笑說這個項目的代號是 "Operation Last Gasp". “操作奄奄一息”。

Protective of his own power, Johnson hadn't felt the need to appoint a deputy prime minister before the virus struck, a role in the UK that is not constitutionally mandated. When it became clear he would have to name a stand-in, Johnson dallied before leaking to newspapers that Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab 為了保護自己的權力,約翰遜在病毒爆發前並沒有覺得有必要任命副首相,而在英國憲法中並沒有規定要任命副首相。當得知他將不得不提名一名替代者時,約翰遜敷衍了一下,然後向報紙透露了外交部長多米尼克·拉布(Dominic Raab)的消息would be 將 the UK's "Designated Survivor." 英國的“指定倖存者”。

