知識在於積累,我們來學幾個高考考綱詞彙吧:clear, .....

clear adj. 清澈的;晴朗的;清楚的;確定的v.收拾;使(變)清潔;使(變)清澈;變晴 adv.清楚地;完全地:

We could see fish in the clear water. 我們看到清澈的水中有魚。

I am not quite clear yet about this. 對此我還不太清楚。

After the storm was over, the sky cleared. 暴風雨過後,天晴了。

clerk n. [C]職員,辦事員;書記員:

She got a job as a bank clerk. 她得到一份銀行職員的工作。

clever adj.聰明的,伶俐的:

It’s clever of her to refuse them.

=She is clever to refuse them. 她拒絕他們那是明智的。

click v.(使)發出短而尖的聲音;(使)發出咔嗒聲:

The man opposite kept clicking his ballpoint pen.對面的男子一直把圓珠筆弄得咔嗒作響。

climate n.風氣;氣候:

Small businesses are finding it hard to survive in the present economic climate.小企業發現在當前的經濟形勢下很難生存。

dry climate乾燥的氣候。

climb v.爬,攀登 n. [C]攀登:

Monkeys can climb well. 猴子善於攀爬。

The climb got all of us tired. 爬山使我們都累了。

clinic n.[C]診所:It is often less expensive to see a doctor in a clinic than in a hospital. 通常去診所看病比去醫院看病便宜。

clock n. [C]時鐘:

The clock is 5 minutes fast (slow). 這鐘快(慢)5分鐘。

clone v.克隆;使……無性繁殖:

close v.關,閉 adj.& adv.近,靠近:

She closed the door softly. 她輕輕地關上門。

The post office closes at 6. 郵局6點關門。

I live close to the shops. 我住得離商店很近。

【注意】用作形容詞時,它不表示“關閉”的意思,要表示此義,要用closed:The shop is closed now. 商店現在關門了。

知識在於積累,我們來學幾個高考考綱詞彙吧:clear, .....

