
倫勃朗 | 逃難路上的小憩

Rembrandt began tomake landscape paintings at the end of the 1630s. The only one of his landscapes set at night, Landscape with the Rest on the Flight to Egypt is a Biblical scene depicting Joseph and his family fleeing King Herod. It was conceived in relation to a print by Hendrick Goudt, another artist of the Dutch Golden Age.


Rembrandt’s borrowing was not due to lack of imagination, but in the spirit of dialogue with his forebears, showing how the power of the scene could be enhanced with the techniques he was developing. Rembrandt’s use of light in this painting is particularly enchanting. He uses highlights to accentuate the light’s echoes and reflections, comparing two very different light sources—the warm hues of the fire around which Joseph and Mary huddle with the Child, and the cool and eerie light of the moon. Even in the shadows on their faces and backs, greens and blues settle, seeping in from the surrounding wilderness and emphasizing their vulnerability.


