


来自Diversified Communications的一封信







在接下来的几周里,您将收到我们、Diversified communications和我们的官方合作伙伴的通信,包括关于9月份活动的详细信息。此时,我们请求您在我们和收到onPeak通知及官方合作酒店地点前不要预订酒店房间

在这个复杂和不确定的时期,我们向您保证,我们着眼于在2020年为您和水产界提供一个有价值的、安全和成功的活动。如果您有任何问题,请随时通过[email protected]与我们联系。



We hope this email finds you and your families healthy and well.

In the last few months and weeks, the seafood industry and community, along with the rest of the world, have been experiencing some of the most tumultuous, emotionally and economically challenging times. While navigating this unprecedented situation, we know there is a need for business continuity and are committed to providing a platform that will bring back together the industry suppliers and buyers who, due to circumstances beyond anyone’s control, were prevented from meeting in March as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Today we are pleased to announce that Seafood Expo North America/Seafood Processing North America has been rescheduled with an exhibit hall open on September 23 - 24 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, and a conference program that will begin on September 22nd.

The September dates were carefully chosen in consideration of the recent escalating situation with COVID-19, the venue availability, as well as feedback from customers and high-volume retail and foodservice Key Buyers from North America.

It is fair to say that this year’s event will not be like any other years. However, the Seafood Expo North America/Seafood Processing North America team is dedicated to delivering a high-quality event and services that are as similar as possible to what our customers have come to expect over the years.

The September edition will feature a solutions-driven conference program led by industry experts covering today’s most relevant topics. The exhibit hall, which will be held in Halls B and C, will highlight special programs like the New and Featured Product Showcases where buyers can identify the latest seafood product, equipment and services, innovations and trends. We will update the event’s website with new information as it becomes available.

In the weeks to come, you will receive communications from us, Diversified Communications, and our official partners, including details about the September event. At this time, we ask that you do not book a hotel room until you have heard from us and onPeak with the new reservation site with the Official Event Hotels.

During this complex and uncertain time, we would like to reassure you that our focus is to deliver a valuable, safe and successful event to you and the seafood community in 2020. Please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected] with your questions.

We look forward to welcoming you back to Boston this Fall.

Kind regards,

