高考英語考綱詞彙娓娓道來 combine come

combine v.(使)結合,(使)組合,(使)綜合:

I’m looking for a job in which I can combine the different aspects of my experience so far.我正在尋找一份能綜合應用我不同經驗的工作。

come v.(came, come) 來,來臨,到達,出現,來(自);開始:

Will you come with me to the store? 你和我一道去商店嗎?

I came to realize that he was right. 我終於認識到他是對的。

【短語】come about (某情況)發生

come across (偶然)發現或遇見

come on [upon] 偶然碰見;出現,降臨

come on來吧,行啦,快點,好吧,加油

come along 一道去,跟著

come in 到來,進來,上市

come out 出來,出版,有…結果,開花

come over 來訪,來玩,產生

come round 來訪,到來,恢復知覺

come to 來到,合計,有意義,甦醒,談到

comfort n.[C,U]舒適,安慰 vt.使舒適,安慰:

He lived in comfort. 他過得很舒服。

Say something to comfort her. 說幾句話寬慰她。

comfortable adj.(使身體)舒適的,愉快的,輕鬆的:

Please make yourself comfortable. 別客氣。

It was comfortable sitting here. 坐在這裡很舒服。

command n;v.命令;指示:

Fire when I give the command.我一下命令就開火。

The General commanded that the soldiers attack at once.將軍下令士兵立刻發起進攻。

comment n;v.意見;評論;發表意見:

Does anyone have any questions or comments?誰有問題或意見嗎?

People were always commenting on my sister’s looks.人們總是對我妹妹的容貌評頭論足。

commercial a.商業的;商務的;貿易的:

Our top priorities must be profit and commercial growth.我們最優先考慮的應該是利潤和貿易的增長。

commit v.(犯)錯誤,罪行:

Women commit fewer crimes than men.女性比男性的犯罪率低。

committee n.委員會:

He is on the finance committee.他是財務委員會成員。

高考英語考綱詞彙娓娓道來 combine come

