



乔·阿尔索普与美国被遗忘的密码 Joe Alsop and America's Forgotten Code


《华盛顿邮报》与联邦调查局FBI有着长期的合作关系。 Mark Felt 不确定主要是“官方泄密”还是“不满的泄密”。



Carl Bernstein,那个爆出水门丑闻 Watergate scandal的人,他花了6个月的时间调查中情局与媒体的联系,然后在几十年前公布了调查结果。当老布什上台后,他不得不说,不,我们不会让我们的中情局雇员全职在媒体上工作了!只允许自由职业者和兼职者!一夜之间,一半的美国媒体都陷入了混乱!这事没多久,人们已经忘记了吗?

Carl Bernstein





Is Western media really demonizing the perception of China?

The surprising thing is why people should expect the Media anywhere to be “fair and objective”. The two most important things for any media outlet, one is funding, the other is source. Do you provide either? No? Then why SHOULD the media be “fair and objective” to you?

Also a lot of the comments here are like being made by someone with the memory of Swiss cheese who just started to learn how to read. I mean, the sources of major news outlets have been known for decades. It’s actually really, really, obvious.

The New York Times / Times / Newsweek have CIA sources. They are usually strategic plants. Joe Alsop and America's Forgotten Code Long history of the spooks calling some NYT columnists their “assets”. Bush Sr. was worried that the whole house would fall down if anymore of his spooks coming out with “one journalist is worth 20 spies”.

Washington Post has a long-standing relationship with the FBI. Mark Felt Not sure if it’s mostly “official leaks” or “disgruntled leaks”.

NBC / CNN have your old Pentagon hands.

The major financial press all have line with the NSA.

Carl Bernstein, the guy who broke the Watergate scandal, spent 6 months investigating CIA - Media link, and then published the result decades ago. When Bush Sr. came to power, he had to say, no we won’t have our paid full-time CIA employees working in the media anymore! Only freelancers and part-timers allowed! Overnight, half of the US media outlets had to scramble! It wasn’t so long ago. Have people already forgotten all about it?

Carl Bernstein

A lot of the reporters genuinely feel that this is just them doing their patriotic duty, and what’s wrong with it. The guys you are pointing fingers to, the top guys all play golf together and go to parties together. You are the outsider.

Also the Chinese government doesn’t really care either. American media spilling sh*t to American people, in English, what has that got to do with the Chinese.

So if the Americans don’t care, and the Chinese don’t care, why do you care? Do you fund the new outlet or do you provide source for the news outlet? No? Well then, you are the product, the pair of eyeballs to be sold to the advertisers.

The banana I buy from the grocer doesn’t get a say on whether I make it into a smoothie or a banana split.

