【自學英語】 一天一課磨耳背誦,五個月入門口語及語法(9)

Lesson 9 How are you today? 今天好嗎?

Mr.Fork: Hello, Mrs. Davis.

Mrs.Davis: Hi, Mr. Fork.

Mr.Fork: How are you today?

Mrs.Davis: I'm very well, thank you. And you?

Mr.Fork: I'm fine, thanks. How is Mr.Davis?

Mrs.Davis: He's fine, thanks. How's Mrs.Fork?

Mr.Fork: She's very well, too, Mrs.Davis.

Mr.Fork: Goodbye, Mrs.Davis. Nice to see you.

Mrs.Davis: Nice to see you, too, Mr, Fork. Goodbye.

【New Word and expressions 生詞和短語】

hello int. 喂(表示問候)

hi int. 喂,嗨

how adv. 今天

well adj. 身體好

fine adj. 美好的

thanks int. 謝謝

goodbye int. 再見

see v. 見

【how many, how much, how long, how often, how far, how soon】

how many 後面總是跟一個可數名詞的複數

how much 後面總是跟不可數名詞

how come, how goes it

how come:you are very sure about sth.

how goes it = how is it going [最近怎麼樣]

【look see watch】

look 強調動作

see 強調結果

watch 觀看移動的一些東西

How are you?

How is she?

How is he?

How is Emma/Jim?

I'm fine, thanks.

She's fine. He's fine

