詳解中學英語常用詞彙(35)- 2


1. be/go on strike 在罷工;舉行罷工

I won't be on strike today. 今天我不會去參加大罷工。They plan to go on strike for better working conditions. 他們計劃為改善工作條件而舉行罷工。

2.strike(v.) for; strike (n.) for 為…… 而罷工

Thee workers are going to strike for their welfare


The unions called a general strike for Sunday. 協會命令為星期日來一次總罷工。

3.strike(n.) against; strike(n.) against 為反對……而罷工

The Workers are on strike against bad working conditions.


They decided to strike against the dismissal of a colleague.


4. strike at向...打擊  

You don't want her to strike at you with her paw.


詳解中學英語常用詞彙(35)- 2

5 strike out 打擊,打出;劃掉

He lost his temper and struck out wildly.他動了肝火,大打出手。

They struck out the name from the list. 他們把這個名詞從名單上劃掉了。

6.strike on/upon 突然想到

I struck on the idea when at work yesterday. 昨天在幹活時,我突然想到了這個主意。

7.strike up 奏起

The band struck up as the distinguished guests entered. 當貴賓走進時,樂隊開始奏樂。

8.It strikes sb.that/what-clause 感到……

It strikes me that we have really learnt a great deal there. 我覺得我們確實在那兒學到了許多東西。

It struck us what diligent people they were.我們深深地感到他們是多麼勤勞的人民。

9.strike… as… 感到……

The proposal struck me as unrealistic. 我感到這個建議不現實。

He strikes me as being somewhat lacing in humor. 它使人感到有些缺乏幽默感。

10.what struck sb. most was/is… 使某人印象最深的是…

What struck me most is the great number of cars on the streets. 給我印象最深的是街上有許多小汽車。

11.strike sb. on/in the +部位 打在某人某個部位

He struck me on the shoulder. 他打在了我的肩上。

The man struck him in the face. 那人打在了他的臉上。

