“ 打臉“-英語怎麼說?


Used as an expression,“a slap in the face” is not a physical act. It is a surprising action or comment that offends someone.


Today, the expression “a slap in the face” means an insult. More often than not, “a slap on the face” is done on purpose. It is intentional.

如今,“打臉”一詞意味著侮辱。 通常,“打耳光”是有目的的。 是故意的。

Now, let’s hear how to use “a slap in the face” in everyday life.


Oscar: Sorry, Cat. But I just got some really bad news. (對不起,Cat 但是我剛得到一些壞消息)

Catherine: My name is Catherine. Not Cat我叫凱瑟琳。不是cat.

Oscar: Can we please stop talking about you for a minute? The director is giving my part in the show to Manuel! 我們能不能不談你了? 導演正在把我的表演部分給Manuel!

Catherine: What? Why?什麼? 為什麼?

Oscar: She said that Manuel is really talented and deserves to play the lead.她說,曼努埃爾(Manuel)確實很有才華,能做主演。

Catherine: Whoa. What a slap in the face! Your face, I mean. 哇 真是打臉! 我的意思是你的臉。

Oscar: I know how that idiom works, Catherine. Thanks.

Catherine,我知道這個成語是怎麼用的。 謝謝

Catherine: But the show opens in a week. What are you going to tell your friends and family? 但是表演在一週之內就開始了。你打算如何告訴你的朋友和家人?

Oscar: I have no idea. They’ve planned a big opening night party and everything. This is so humiliating. How can I face them?

我不知道。 他們已經計劃了一場大型的派對。 真是丟臉,我怎麼面對他們?

Catherine: Sorry. But wow, what a blow. 哇,真是一個大的打擊。

Words in This Story

humiliating – adj. extremely destructive to one's self-respect or dignity羞辱

intentional – adj. done in a way that is planned or intended 故意的

lead (role) – n. the main role in a movie or play(主演)

idiom – n. an expression that cannot be understood from the meanings of its separate words but that has a separate meaning of its own習語,成語

Lose face -丟臉

Save face-扳回顏面

