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本篇內容節選自1月17日一期的The Economist,Obituary(訃告)部分,簡要介紹了Roger Scruton(羅傑•斯克拉頓)的一生。

羅傑•斯克拉頓是英國知名的文化評論家、小說家、政治活動家和哲學家。他已發表30多部書籍。已出版的中文譯本包括《新左派思想家》、《現代哲學》 和《聰明人的哲學指南》等。

mountain,mount:山?mount horse是什麼意思?速看

Defender of the right

Sir Roger Scruton, conservative philosopher and controversialist, died on January 12th, aged 75.

On frosty winter mornings, or at any season, there was no greater pleasure for Roger Scruton than to ease into woollen breeches and a frock-coat, pull on his boots, mount his old horse and, in the wake of the milling hounds, set off for the hunt. His life, he had concluded, fell like Caesar’s Gaul into three parts. In the first he was a wretched youth, fighting an often drunk, ardently socialist father who, after he had won a scholarship to Cambridge, would not speak to him. In the second, restless part he travelled, wrote, and built up an academic life in philosophy at Birkbeck College and elsewhere. And in the third, from the early 1990s, he went hunting. It combined in one activity his three abiding passions: conservatism, controversy, and Englishness.

  • frosty:ad. 嚴寒的,結霜的
  • mount horse:騎馬,mount,騎
  • wretch:n. 可憐的人,不幸的人
  • ardently:adv. 熱心的
  • abiding:ad. 持久的,始終不渝的;v. 忍受
  • passion:n. 激情,熱情

1、第一句中:“there was no greater …… than……”典型的的否定比較句型,即“沒有比……更……”,表示最高級的意思——>“最……”

2、fighting an often drunk, ardently socialist father who, after he had won a scholarship to Cambridge, would not speak to him.

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3、“restless part”,最不安分的部分(階段)

4、It combined in one activity his three abiding passions: conservatism, controversy, and Englishness.可以模仿學習這個句式表達。

There was no doubt that in mid-life and later he more often felt like the fox, the individual plucked from his species to be scapegoated and killed. His opinions got him barred from universities and dismissed from a government commission—though, since his remarks had been distorted, he was quickly reinstated. They made him such a figure of scorn at Birkbeck that he read for the Bar in case they threw him out. Running against the prevailing modernist orthodoxy of the liberal-left, lamenting the loss of everything from classical education to stiff upper lips to England itself, he often found himself as lonely as Reynard racing for the coverts.

  • scapegoat:n. 替罪羊
  • remark:n. 觀點——>可通俗為某人說的話
  • reinstate:v. 復職,復原,是恢復原職原狀
  • distort:v. 曲解,歪曲

1、His opinions got him barred from universities and dismissed from a government commission.由於他的觀點他被禁入大學,以及被政府委員會開除。

2、“They made him such a figure of scorn……”,注意這個表達:“把某人塑造成某個形象(人物)”,這裡是:他們把他塑造成在Birkbeck裡面受人鄙視的形象。

3、Running against,與……背道而馳;Running against開頭的句子後面接的就是與……不同的對象。


