
Here are 3 reasons why you would not hire the unemployed:


1) you always follow the crowd你總是隨波逐流

2) you do NOT want to go for the best talent available - which could be in someone currently out of work.你不會想要去尋找最好的人才——可能是那些目前失業的人。

3) you are shortsighted你目光短淺的


The crowd mentality makes us, the humans,do stupid things.


We buy stocks when everybody else is buying at the top of market - when we should be selling. We also sell at the bottom of the market, because everyone else is selling.


People always want what other people want.They do not want what nobody else wants.


They think that if nobody hired you, you can not be good. Even if you do a headstand on the interview, they will still not be impressed.他們認為,如果沒有人僱用你,你就不可能做好。即使你在面試時倒立,他們也不會有什麼印象。


I always had a tendency to question the wisdom of the crowd. The road most traveled is the road of mediocrity.


I hired people who have not been employed for a while, and they ALL did well. Of course, I would interview them and make sure that they would do well.

我僱傭了一段時間沒有工作的人,他們都做得很好。當然,我會採訪他們,確保他們表現出色。One of them is now a head of HR at a major company, another is in charge of a product management function at a majorpublisher. Yet another now owns his own company and has 20 people working for him.


The fact that they have not worked in a while NEVER entered my mind during the interview.


People who are not working are very eager to get a job and to keep it. They are highly motivated, and will give you their utmost loyalty, dedication and hard work.



Give them a chance, please!


Years ago I got a call from a recruiter I knew.He said he knows I was looking for a while for someone with a rare skill.


He said he knows someone with that skill,and even will NOT charge a fee. He said she had a 4 year lapse in employment,and now has hard time getting any job.


I said I do not care about that - can she do the job, that's all.


Long story short, she passed the interviews with flying colors, and was one of the best developers I worked with.


A year into the job she told me why she had that lapse in employment. She had a special child, and her husband dumped her and the child because of it.She stayed home to take care of the child.


When the child grew up and she could arrange for a proper care, she returned to the job market, but did not want to tell anyone she had a special child in addition to her lapse in employment.



