
釉裡紅是我國的傳統釉下彩裝飾之一,它是用銅作著色劑的色料在坯體上描繪各種紋樣,然後施透明釉經過高溫還原氣氛燒成,在釉裡透出紅色的紋樣,故稱“釉裡紅”。 因燒成合格品很困難,故其產品極為名貴。釉裡紅有單獨裝飾的,但大多數與青花相結合在一起進行裝飾而稱為“青花釉裡紅”。其特點既有青花的“幽靚雅到致,沉靜安定”的特色,又增添了釉裡紅的渾厚壯麗,豐富了色彩效果,形成了高雅而又樸實的藝術風格。因此,青花釉裡紅瓷成為我國珍貴的品種之一。

Underglaze red is one of the traditional underglaze decoration in China. It uses copper as the colorant to depict various patterns on the body of the body, and then the transparent glaze is fired in a high-temperature reducing atmosphere, showing red patterns in the glaze, so it is called "underglaze red". Because it is very difficult to burn qualified products, their products are very valuable. There is a separate decoration of underglaze red, but most of them are combined with blue and white for decoration, which is called "underglaze red of blue and white". Its characteristics are not only the "quiet, beautiful, elegant, quiet and stable" characteristics of blue and white, but also add the rich and magnificent underglaze red, enrich the color effect, and form an elegant and simple artistic style. Therefore, blue and white underglaze red porcelain has become one of the precious varieties in China.



According to the history of Song Dynasty, there was a production of "purple flower sitting Pier (i.e. underglaze red)" in Song Dynasty, but no underglaze red products of Song Dynasty were unearthed or handed down, even underglaze red of Yuan Dynasty was very rare. Blue and white porcelain originated in the Tang Dynasty, and red porcelain in glaze originated in the Yuan Dynasty. The combination of the two is that blue and white red porcelain in glaze is the Yuan Dynasty. According to the discovered cultural relics, the blue and white red ware in glaze (1338 A.D.) of "Zhiyuan Wuyin" in Jiangxi Province is not only the porcelain with a clear chronology of the red ware in glaze, but also the material evidence of the origin of the red ware in glaze.



It is a creative achievement of Jingdezhen ceramic artists in Yuan Dynasty to combine blue and white with underglaze red on a piece of porcelain to become a new artistic masterpiece. The red pigment in glaze can be red only when it is coated to a certain thickness, and once it is colored, the color is relatively thick, so it cannot produce the change of color depth. Blue and white color, similar to ink painting, with the paint coating thickness changes, can produce a variety of color effects from light to thick. Therefore, blue and white make up for the deficiency of the change of the color level of underglaze red, while underglaze red enriches the color of blue and white porcelain. In terms of firing technology, in order to get a good underglaze red and blue and white color, they need to be carried out under a specific firing system. In order to burn the two kinds of pigments under the same firing system, we must look for the red and blue and white formulas in the same firing system. Even in the modern nineties, it is still necessary for a skilled kiln master to master the kiln atmosphere and not to mass produce blue and white underglaze red porcelain. In the 1990s, the project of firing blue and white underglaze red porcelain with gas was completed by the research group of experts, and it can only be produced in small quantities.


Underglaze red was made in Yuan Dynasty. After a period of brilliance in early Ming Dynasty, it stopped in Chenghua. Almost two hundred years later. Kangxi and Qianlong are once again brilliant. With the end of the prosperous period, the underglaze red is over. It can be said that the firing of underglaze red is accompanied by the prosperous times.



Blue and white underglaze red porcelain not only embodies its value and achievements in technology, but also has rich cultural connotation. Blue and white underglaze red art porcelain is a harmonious unity of elegance and beauty. It is like peony, green leaves and red flowers, elegant, national color and natural fragrance. Its tonal proportion has wide variability, or thick Ru light wipe, or realistic freehand, all of which have profound artistic conception and wonderful craftsmanship, which is the natural embodiment of the integration of Chinese Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, Islam and other major cultures.


專家推薦:此梅瓶即為青花釉裡紅瓷器中的三大經典造型之一,青花紋飾堂皇富麗,堪稱元代青花器之典範。梅瓶鼓腹,肩部塑四系,氣息宏偉。通體以青花為裝飾,蓋帽青花寶珠鈕,周邊飾“鐵木真御用虎鞭酒”,肩頸之間凸出兩道絃線,內畫青花釉裡紅纏枝蓮紋,流暢舒展,為青花釉裡紅經典的邊飾,風姿典雅,仰俯有致,腹部為主題紋飾,繪出青花釉裡紅人物紋飾,底部落有“大元國成吉思汗萬歲萬歲萬萬歲”本品當為其中品質非凡的一例,氣息古樸雄渾,紋飾層次豐富,整體筆法灑脫豪放,青花和釉裡紅一色蒼翠妍麗,有如水墨之凝重暈染,頗得筆墨意趣。時代工藝特徵鮮明,此為元代青花釉裡紅獨特的成型工藝所致,並且有部分釉漿罩掛於胎上,流淌自然。通身內外施釉,釉色白中帶青,是典型的元代青花釉色。胎底圈足為元代麻倉土,為元代代青花裝燒工藝的重要特徵。此對青花釉裡紅四繫帶蓋人物紋梅瓶 保存完整,品相完好,整器端莊,極具收藏價值及藝術價值!

Experts recommend: this plum vase is one of the three classic shapes of blue and white glazed red porcelain. The blue and white decoration is magnificent and can be regarded as a model of blue and white ware in the Yuan Dynasty. Meiping drum belly, shoulder plastic four series, breath grand. The whole body is decorated with blue and white flowers, covered with blue and white pearl buttons, surrounded by "Tiemuzhen Royal tiger whip wine", with two strings protruding between the shoulders and neck, red tangled branches and lotus patterns in the blue and white glaze painted inside, which are smooth and stretch, classic edge decorations in the blue and white glaze, elegant and elegant, with the abdomen as the main theme, red figure patterns in the blue and white glaze painted, and the bottom tribe has "long live Genghis Khan of the Great Yuan Dynasty" Long live "this product should be an example of extraordinary quality. It has a simple and powerful atmosphere, rich decorative layers, free and easy brushwork as a whole, blue and white and underglaze red are green and beautiful, just like the dignified halo of ink, which is quite interesting. The distinctive technological features of the times resulted from the unique forming process of blue and white underglaze red in the Yuan Dynasty, and part of the glaze cover hung on the tire, flowing naturally. It is a typical blue and white glaze of Yuan Dynasty. The foot of the embryo bottom is the Machang soil of the Yuan Dynasty, which is an important feature of the blue and white firing technology of the Yuan Dynasty. This pair of plum vase with figure pattern covered with red four ties in blue and white glaze is well preserved, with intact appearance, elegant whole set, and of great collection value and artistic value!


Although the Yuan Dynasty only existed for less than a hundred years in Chinese history, the handicraft industry, especially the porcelain industry, at that time was greatly developed. On the basis of inheriting the tradition, the porcelain production of Yuan Dynasty has made some innovations, and has produced unique boutiques. This Ji blue glaze plum vase is one of them. China's porcelain mainly consists of white porcelain and celadon porcelain with plain color, and color porcelain appears later. The Tang Dynasty began to glaze the porcelain with blue glaze. In the Yuan Dynasty, Jingdezhen adopted a new manufacturing process, using "cobalt" as a coloring agent to melt in the glaze, and fired a beautiful cobalt blue glaze like a sapphire. The unique craftsmen also embellish the blue and white glaze patterns on the cobalt blue glazed porcelain to form a strong contrast and enhance the artistic and aesthetic quality of the porcelain.



During the Yuan Dynasty, the kilns in Jingdezhen were all under the jurisdiction of the imperial court, which made porcelain for the Royal aristocracy. Because of the particularity of its design, this kind of exquisite Ji blue glaze white dragon pattern plum vase is only allowed to be collected in the imperial palace. After the successful firing of a batch of porcelain, those with perfect quality will be directly transported to the capital, and those with slight defects will be smashed on the spot, so the production of this kind of plum vase was relatively small at that time. Later, after the change of dynasties and years, the number of them became more and more scarce and more precious.



Plum bottle is known as the first shape of porcelain. It is the emperor of porcelain. There are emperors who must have queens. Jade pot spring is the queen of porcelain. The earliest use of plum bottles should be wine storage, small mouth and easy to close, not easy to emit wine flavor. There are two other evidences. Two white-bottomed black plum vases in Cizhou kiln in Song Dynasty have four words on them, one is "Qinggu fine wine" and the other is "drunk land and wine sea".


About the origin of plum bottle, there are two versions. One is Xu Zhiheng's saying in "Drinking Liuzhai Saying Porcelain", that plum bottle is small in caliber and only matches the thin bones of plum branches, so it is called plum bottle. Another saying is that the plum bottle has a small mouth and can only insert a plum blossom, so it is called plum bottle.



In history, there are various kilns of Meiping, and the beauty of its shape can be said to be the first in the world, so the shape of Meiping can be regarded as the first shape of Chinese porcelain. The shape of "plum vase" got its name later. It also has a name in history, which is called "Jingping". This is related to the royal banquet system in Song Dynasty.Plum Bottle also has a name called Jing Bottle. Why is it called Jing Bottle? This is related to the banquet system of the Song Dynasty. The so-called banquet is to select a person with high moral standing and profound knowledge to lecture to the emperor. Although the emperor was the son of heaven, he did not know everything and needed to learn. What should he learn? Generally speaking, it is four books and five classics, so a banquet is also called a lecture. The banquet was very big. After the end of the banquet, the emperor had to entertain the lecturers and accompanies the students, so he had to set up a banquet. There was not only wine, but also wine. At that time, the bottle containing wine was called Jing bottle. Its shape was similar to that of Mei bottle, so it was called Jing bottle in Song Dynasty.



Meiping first appeared in Tang Dynasty, song and Liao dynasties are more popular, and there are many new varieties. In the song and Yuan Dynasties, kilns were fired everywhere. Jingdezhen blue and white plum vase of the Yuan Dynasty was the most exquisite. Its superb firing skills and immortal artistic value condensed the wisdom and artistic crystallization of the ancient Han working people.



Ji blue glaze porcelain glaze name. A treasure of traditional Chinese porcelain making. Also known as "Jilan glaze", "Jilan glaze" and "Jiqing glaze". Ming and Qing blue glazes are often called Jilan, a kind of high temperature lime alkali glazes. The green body is glazed and fired at 1280-1300 ℃. The color is deep, the glaze does not flow or crack, the color is even and stable. Its glaze color is blue like the deep sea, its glaze surface is even and clear, and its color is stable. Later generations call it Jiqing. Because its color is stable and bright like a gem, it is also promoted as the three "top products" of Xuande color glaze porcelain by juxtaposing it with white glaze and red glaze. The craft inherited the tradition of the Yuan Dynasty and continued to burn. Its main shape was sacrificial utensils and porcelain for display.



Experts recommend: this pair of plum bottles, with cap, flat mouth, rich and slippery shoulders, gradually converging under the shoulders, slightly skimming to the bottom. The belly of the plum vase is carved with a dragon chasing a flame bead, which is decorated with the pattern of dragon chasing beads. The Dragon rings around the bottle body, the head of the dragon is up, the two corners are slightly backward, and the longan is raised. The blue glaze is used to decorate the eyes, which is more prominent against the blue and white glaze, playing the artistic effect of finishing point. This pair of Ji blue glazed plum vase with white cloud dragon pattern. The shape of the plum vase is beautiful, the pattern is exquisite and vivid, and the blue glaze is bright and pure. The successful firing of high temperature blue glaze added new varieties to the color glaze of porcelain and laid a foundation for the high development of Jingdezhen porcelain making technology in Ming and Qing Dynasties. The blue glaze is used to decorate the eyes, which is more prominent against the blue and white glaze, playing an artistic effect of finishing point. The Dragon opens its mouth and spits its tongue, showing sharp teeth. Its upper and lower jaws are curled up. Its neck is long and thin, with a bunch of long hyenas in the shape of fluttering. Back lines are dynamic. The fingertips of the outstretched limbs are sharp. At the root of the flame, there is a small pearl, like floating coral branches, which further sets off the giant dragon's power to soar in the sky. Ji blue glaze porcelain bottle, this pair of plum bottles make up for Ji blue glaze white dragon pattern plum bottles only available in Yangzhou Museum in the world, and they exist in pairs, are completely preserved, and have covers. Collection value is very high.

