【自學英語】 一天一課磨耳背誦,五個月入門口語及語法(19)

Lesson 19 Tired and thirsty 又累又渴

Listen and then answer this question. Why do the children thank their mother? 聽錄音,然後回答問題。為什麼孩子們向母親致謝?



MOTHER: What’s the matter, children?

GIRL: We‘re tired … BOY: … and thirsty, Mum.

MOTHER: Sit down here.

MOTHER: Are you all right now?

BOY: No, we aren‘t.

MOTHER: Look! There’s an ice cream man.

MOTHER: Two ice cream please.

MOTHER: Here you are, children.

CHILDREN: Thanks, Mum.

GIRL: These ice creams are nice.

MOTHER: Are you all right now?

CHILDREN: Yes, we are, thank you!


MOTHER: What‘s the matter, children?

母 親: 怎麼啦,孩子們?

GIRL: We’re tired …

女 孩: 我們累了……

BOY: … and thirsty, Mum.

男 孩: ……口也渴,媽媽。

MOTHER: Sit down here.

母 親: 坐在這兒吧。

MOTHER: Are you all right now?

母 親: 你們現在好些了嗎?

BOY: No, we are‘nt.

男 孩: 不, 還沒有。

MOTHER: Look! There’s an ice cream man.

母 親: 瞧!有個賣冰淇淋的。

MOTHER: Two ice cream please.

母 親: 請拿兩份冰淇淋。

MOTHER: Here you are, children.

母 親: 拿著,孩子們。

CHILDREN: Thanks, Mum.

孩子們: 謝謝,媽媽。

GIRL: These ice creams are nice.

女 孩: 這些冰淇淋真好吃。

MOTHER: Are you all right now?

母 親: 你們現在好了嗎?

CHILDREN: Yes, we are, thank you!

孩子們: 是的,現在好了,謝謝您!

CHILDREN: Yes, we are, thank you!

【New Word and expressions 生詞和短語 】

matter n. 事情

children n. 孩子們(child的複數)

tired adj. 累,疲乏

boy n. 男孩

thirsty adj. 渴

Mum n. 媽媽(兒語)

sit down 坐下

right adj. 好,可以

ice cream 冰淇淋

what's the matter? = Tell me what's wrong. 怎麼啦?

