





今天給大家分享的是一篇CSMonitor (基督教科學箴言報)The Monitor's View板塊的評論文章 A corporate role in ending epidemics。歷年所有選擇基督教科學箴言報的考研閱讀均來自於該板塊。




A society’s response to an epidemic, writes historian Frank Snowden in a new book on the topic, is a lens on the moral priorities of its leaders. Did they create a resilient(有彈性的) community during more settled times(安穩的時期,settle除了定居,還有做出決定、安穩等常用意思)? Have they built up trust in institutions? Epidemics reveal “the moral relationships that we have toward each other,” the Yale scholar told The New Yorker.

A current example of moral priorities in the United States is the number of companies promising to keep paying employees – even temporary wage-earners – despite the shock and disruption of the coronavirus outbreak. Congress could decide soon to mandate(命令) paid leave(帶薪休假) during the health crisis. Yet many corporate leaders are a step ahead in announcing no layoffs(暫時解僱) or furloughs(無薪休假), creating a sort of cordon sanitaire(cordon sanitaire: 封鎖線) that protects jobs and eases fears.





At Microsoft, 4,500 hourly employees “will continue to receive their regular wages even if their work hours are reduced,” says company President Brad Smith. Similar commitments have been made by Google and other big firms. “I encourage all of our peers(同等地位的人) to consider this as well,” tweeted Chuck Robbins, chief executive of Cisco.

One practical reason to retain(保留) workers during the crisis is that, up to now, the task of finding new workers has been difficult. The U.S. economy is in its 11th year of expansion. The jobless rate(失業率的非正式說法) is a low 3.5%. Many companies are enjoying record profits. They can afford a temporary loss.

結合上下文,最後一句的temporary loss說的是在疫情期間給員工支付工資。

Yet another reason may be a trend among companies, made strong since the 2008 financial crisis, to better consider how they treat workers, customers, suppliers, local communities, and the natural environment. Such “social responsibility” toward stakeholders(利益相關者) is oftengenuine(真誠的). It can also prevent a high cost to a corporation’s reputation.


It can also prevent a high cost to (rebuild) a corporation's reputation.


The promises of no layoffs during this crisis have become a signifier(指示符) of ethical progress. Other signs are showing up. Citigroup(花旗集團) is offering leniency(原義仁慈,此處指延期) to many debtors(債務人). Some health insurers are absorbing the cost of copays(一種在每次出險前先支付一筆固定費用的保險條例,多見於健康險) for customers. For many firms, belt-tightening will come in ways other than hits on the most vulnerable.



Worldwide, business has become the most trusted institution, taking the lead role in global governance, according to the latest Edelman survey. Based on 40 years of surveys for its “trust meter,” the communication firm finds the “trust capital(capital除了有首府的意思外,在經濟學裡當‘資本’講)” for businesses depends on three ethical drivers: integrity(正直), dependability, and purpose.

“Business has leapt into the void left by populist and partisan government” states the 2020 report. “It can no longer be business as usual, with an exclusive(唯一的,另有高檔的,獨有的意思,對奢侈品感興趣的小夥伴可能會很眼熟這個單詞) focus on shareholder returns.” The survey finds 73% of employees want the opportunity to change society. Nearly two-thirds of consumers make buying choices based on core beliefs.

Epidemics are not extinguished only by new medicines, quarantines, and improved health practices. Societies also need to have their moral priorities in place. Healing the economy with fear-reducing actions is as important as healing the sick.


enior’s Analysis



比方說,belt-tightening這段,段首句強調的是promises of no layoffs. 之後是對other signs的一個引申,因此同學們大概可以推斷出,作者想舉例表達企業在疫情期間的付出。沿著這個思路走,很明顯belt-tightening指的就是這種付出,而 the most vulnerable說的自然是類似殺雞取卵,將壓力轉交給普通客戶的做法。

