
Your next vacation may be virtual



Japan's biggest airline is betting that the future of travel isn't traveling at all. For the last month, a married couple has been interacting with a robot — called an Avatar — that's controlled by their daughter hundreds of miles away. Made by ANA Holdings Inc., it looks like a vacuum cleaner with an iPad attached. *** But the screen displays the daughter’s face as they chat, and its wheels let her trundle about the house as though she’s really there.

日本最大的航空公司認為未來的旅遊將和現在的截然不同。在過去的一個月裡,一對夫妻一直在和一個名叫 Avatar 的機器人互動,Avatar 由這對夫妻幾百英里之外的女兒所遙控。這臺機器人由全日空控股株式會社製造,它看起來像是一臺接上了 iPad 的吸塵器。但這對夫妻和女兒聊天時,“iPad”的屏幕上會顯示女兒的臉,她可以藉助機器人的輪子在房子裡緩慢地來回移動,就好像她真的在那一樣。

“Virtual travel” is nothing new, of course. Storytellers, travel writers and artists have been stimulating the senses of armchair tourists for centuries. It's only in recent decades that frequent, safe travel has become available to the non-wealthy. ***


Yet even as the world's middle classes climb out of the armchair and into economy-class seats, there are hints of a post-travel society emerging. Concerns about sustainability are taking a toll on carbon-intensive airlines. And the aging of affluent societies is both inhibiting physical travel and creating demand for alternative ways to experience the world. For the travel industry, virtual reality offers a tantalizing response to these trends.


Of course, far-out technologies encourage far-out claims. ANA doesn't plan to start selling Avatars until next year. Profits, too, will probably be elusive: By one estimate, the global market for this kind of technology will be worth only about $300 million by 2023. By contrast, ANA’s traditional travel business brought in more than $19 billion last year.

當然,超前的科技會帶來過於超前的判斷。全日空控股株式會社在明年之前都不打算售賣 Avatar 機器人。而且,該技術要實現盈利可能還遙遙無期:據估算,至 2023 年,該項科技的全球市場總估值僅有大約 3 億美元,相比之下,全日空控股株式會社的傳統旅遊業務僅去年就帶來了超過 190 億美元的收益。

But if the business case for virtual vacations is still weak, the market for technologies that bridge physical distances between families and coworkers seems likely to only expand. ANA's robots may not replace its airplanes any time soon, but they’ll almost certainly be a part of travel's high-tech future.


