



The treasure pot is a treasure in Chinese folk tales. This allusion comes from Zhourenlong's "Light Collection": "In the early Ming Dynasty, when Shenwansanwei was born, he saw the fisherman holding more than a hundred frogs. Afterwards, he could not stand up to his ears, and the morning drove him. When he saw the frogs, he was surrounded by a pot. In the event that his wife even left a silver coin in the basin, the silver coin was full and could not be counted. The money and silver test was also the same. "Because of the beautiful meaning that the treasure of the treasure can be multiplied by the legend of the treasure basin, it is used as a home feng shui decoration for the treasure.


聚寶盆,是中國民間故事中的一個寶物。聚寶盆在清代盛世是財力、物力、人力權力的象徵。此聚寶盆,高12cm,口徑38.2cm。底徑26cm。圓口,器型端莊高貴。盆內部有文字,“招財進寶”,“八方來財”,“日進斗金”等紋飾。盆外邊有龍鳳紋飾,顯富貴,端莊大氣。底部有繁體的篆書款(乾隆年制)四字款。盆身底部繪有精美的龍鳳紋圖案,在中國傳統觀念中,龍是權勢、高貴、尊榮的象徵,又是幸運與成功的標誌。龍神采奕奕,非常逼真,雙目神韻,體態矯健,栩栩如生。鳳象徵吉祥的神,鳳紋亦稱鳳鳥紋,包括鳳紋及各種鳥紋。古老的漢族傳統裝飾紋樣之一。整體紋飾搭配自然合理,雕刻者的手法別具匠心,整體感覺氣勢磅礴,立體感十足。此聚寶盆雕工精湛,包銀厚重,古樸典雅,寓意吉祥,由外到內均彰顯 了皇室貴族的顯赫地位,存世至今,實為難得,藏品通體亮光,包漿大氣,幽光沉穩,透露出一種溫潤的年月痕跡。為難得的稀世珍品,目前的聚寶盆投資市場火熱,行情大漲,藏品為不可多得的收藏重器、極為罕見、有巨大的投資價值、具有非常高的收藏價值及升值空間。


The treasure pot is a treasure in Chinese folk tales. Gaobao basin was a symbol of financial, material and human power in the Qing Dynasty. This treasure basin is 12cm high and 38.2 cm in diameter. Bottom diameter 26cm. Round mouth, device type dignified and Noble. There are words inside the basin, such as "Cai Jin Bao", "Eight sides come to the money", and "Day Jin Dou Jin". There are dragon and Phoenix ornaments outside the basin, showing wealth and dignified atmosphere. At the bottom there is a traditional four-character book(Qianlong system). The bottom of the basin is painted with exquisite dragon and Phoenix patterns. In the traditional Chinese concept, the dragon is a symbol of power, nobility, and honor. It is also a symbol of luck and success. Dragon spirits, very lifelike, binocular charm, strong body, lifelike. The Phoenix symbolizes the auspicious God, and the Phoenix pattern is also known as Fengniaowen, including the Phoenix pattern and various bird patterns. One of the ancient Han traditional decorative patterns. The overall decoration is natural and reasonable, and the sculptor's technique is unique. The overall feeling is magnificent and three-dimensional. This collection of precious pots is exquisite, heavy silver, simple and elegant, which means auspicious. From outside to inside, it shows the prominent position of the royal aristocracy. It is rare to survive so far. The collection is full of light, the atmosphere, and the light is calm. Brings out a gentle trace of age. For rare rare treasures, the current investment market of the treasure basin is hot and the market is soaring. The collection is a rare collector, extremely rare, has huge investment value, has a very high collection value and appreciation space.

