高考英語考綱詞彙舉例 contain container

contain vt.包含,包括;裝,容納:

A sentence usually contains a subject and a verb. 句子通常包括主語和動詞。

container n.容器:

Ice cream comes in plastic containers.


contemporary a.當代的;同時代的:

an exhibition of contemporary Japanese prints.當代日本版畫展。

content1 adj.滿意的,滿足的 vt.使滿足,使滿意:

We are not content with the present achievements. 我們不滿足於目前的成就。

I should be well content to do so. 我很樂意這樣做。

Simple praise is enough to content him. 幾句好話就足以使他滿意了。


He nodded with a contented smile. 他面帶滿意的笑容點了點頭。

Everybody feels

contented. 大家都感到很滿意。

content2 n.1.[C,U]內容,(常用單)含量,容量;(用複數)目錄:

Look at the contents page of a book before buying it. 買書前先看看目錄。

continent n. [C]大陸,大洲:

Africa is a continent. 非洲是個大陸。


Coffee was introduced into England from the Continent. 咖啡是從歐洲大陸傳入英國的。

continue v.繼續,連續:

to be continued 未完,待續

He continued silent. 他繼續沉默著。


They continued to meet [meeting] daily. 他們繼續每天都見面。

contradict v.抗辯,否認;與……牴觸:

Don’t contradict your father!不要頂撞你父親!

The witnesses’ statements contradicted each other and the facts remained unclear.


contrary n/a正相反,恰恰想法;相反的,相對的:

It wasn’t a good thing; on the contrary it was a huge mistake.


Two contrary views emerged in the discussion.討論中出現了兩種相反的意見。

contribute v.捐獻,捐助;對某事起促進作用:

Most people contributed something towards the new church buildings.


Various factors contributed to his downfall.


高考英語考綱詞彙舉例 contain container

