
No job, no money but rent's due: Colorado renters have few protections amid pandemic


Anita Hassan安妮塔·哈桑

April 23, 2020, 6:20 AM GMT+8

2020年4月23日,格林尼治標準時間早上6:20 +8

In a span of 10 days in March, all three people in Kendra Tallant’s household lost their jobs.

在3月的10天裡,肯德拉•塔蘭特(Kendra Tallant)家的三個人都失業了。

As the COVID-19 outbreak shut down businesses across Colorado, Tallant, 41, was furloughed from her job at a resort where she took reservations. Her fiancé, who detailed cars, lost his job, and her 23-year-old son, who worked at a nearby seafood restaurant, was also laid off.


Without any income, she knew they would not be able to pay the $1,761.62 rent for their three-bedroom apartment in Colorado Springs on April 3 and still have enough money left over for groceries and other expenses. She tried to negotiate with her landlord, but the company hit her with nearly $300 in late fees and began taking steps toward eviction.

沒有任何收入,她知道他們無法在4月3日支付他們在科羅拉多斯普林斯(Colorado Springs)的三居室1,761.62美元的房租,而且還有足夠的錢買雜貨和其他開銷。她試圖與房東談判,但公司給了她近300美元的滯納金,並開始採取措施驅逐她。

“I was just flabbergasted,” Tallant said. “We were forced to not work by no fault of our own. These places are just not working with us, and we’re having to choose between whether we can eat or pay rent.”



Kendra Tallant, 41, her fiance, BJ Shepherd, 35, and her son Jonathyn Murray, 23, outside of their apartment complex in Colorado Springs. (Benjamin Rasmussen / for NBC News)

41歲的肯德拉·塔倫特和她的未婚夫,35歲的BJ·謝潑德,以及她23歲的兒子喬納森·默裡,在他們位於科羅拉多斯普林斯的公寓外。(本傑明·拉斯穆森/ NBC新聞)


Unlike more than 30 other states, Colorado does not have a statewide moratorium on evictions during the coronavirus outbreak. Instead, Gov. Jared Polis, a Democrat, has issued guidance to limit evictions, requesting that landlords work with tenants on payment plans and waive late fees — but he has not required them to do so.

與其他30多個州不同的是,在冠狀病毒爆發期間,科羅拉多州並沒有在全州範圍內暫停驅逐。相反,民主黨人、州長賈裡德·波利斯(Jared Polis)已經發布了限制驅逐的指導意見,要求房東與租戶一起制定付款計劃,並免除滯納金——但他並沒有要求他們這樣做。

Decisions on evictions have been left to courts and local governments, creating a patchwork of policies throughout the state, legal experts say. While law enforcement is not delivering eviction notices during Colorado’s state of emergency, and many district judges and cities have suspended eviction proceedings, others are still allowing cases to be filed, but delaying hearings. Attorneys say at least one jurisdiction, Montrose County, has held teleconference eviction hearings.


The uncertainty has left thousands of Colorado renters confused and fearing they’ll be evicted when courts resume operations and law enforcement agencies begin delivering notices, legal and housing policy advocates say.


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Colorado earned a spot fourth from the bottom on a scorecard released Monday that evaluated the eviction policies of each state amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The scorecard, developed by Princeton University’s Eviction Lab and Columbia Law School, gave Colorado zero out of five stars.


“Without statewide action and supportive measures to address rental debt, Colorado could see a surge of evictions during and immediately following the pandemic,” the report stated.


In apartment complexes across the state, tenants have begun organizing to push their landlords to offer payment plans or waive late fees. Tenants are also mobilizing online: The Colorado Rent Strike and Eviction Defense Facebook group, which has more than 4,000 members, is planning a rent strike April 30 and is encouraging participants to post signs on their doors and windows.


“I think a statewide moratorium on evictions would go a really long way in relieving anxiety for many Coloradan families,” said Zach Neumann, a Colorado attorney who started the COVID-19 Eviction Defense Project, a group of about 50 volunteer attorneys. A halt on evictions would give renters time to negotiate agreements with their landlords while they are waiting to receive unemployment insurance or federal stimulus checks, he said.

“我認為,全州暫停驅逐對許多科羅拉多家庭來說,將大有幫助,”科羅拉多州律師扎克·諾伊曼(Zach Neumann)說。他發起了“covid19驅逐保護項目”(covid19 - Eviction Defense Project),該項目由大約50名志願律師組成。他說,暫停拆遷將使租房者在等待領取失業保險或聯邦經濟刺激支票期間有時間與房東談判達成協議。

Within days of posting a Facebook message offering legal advice last month, Neumann said, he received more than 500 messages. “It is deeply inconsistent to tell people they are not allowed to work, but then rental payments are still expected to be paid on time,” he said.


Polis has allocated $3 million toward emergency rental assistance, but lawyers and advocates say it won’t be enough to meet the need. An analysis by Neumann’s group, based on eviction filings and unemployment data, found that without more interventions, almost 500,000 Coloradans could face eviction in the coming months.


Polis’ office did not respond to a request for comment.


In response to a Denver City Council proclamation last week calling on the governor to cancel rent and mortgage payments for struggling residents, aspokesperson for Polis said that he does “not have legal ability to suspend rent or evictions outright, as these are private contracts between individuals and institutions and suspending the sanctity of contract is not within the emergency powers of any governor or president."


‘The state still needs to step in’


When Tallant realized that she wouldn’t be able to pay her rent for April, she wrote to the managers at the Residences at Falcon North, explaining her family’s job losses and asking if they could work out a partial payment plan and waive late fees.


But after more than a dozen emails and several phone calls, the management had only agreed to waive the late fees if she paid her April rent in full. On April 6, Tallant received a 10-day demand letter — notices landlords must issue before they can legally begin an eviction — posted to her door, saying that she needed to pay her rent or leave the apartment.



The 10-day demand letter that was posted on the door of Kendra Tallant's apartment. (Benjamin Rasmussen / for NBC News)

肯德拉·塔蘭特公寓門上張貼的10天催款信。(本傑明·拉斯穆森/ NBC新聞)

“Even if we find a way to pay for April, I have no idea what we’ll do for May,” Tallant said last Wednesday. By that point, including late fees, her April rent had risen to $2,047.


Even though the Fourth Judicial District court, which includes Colorado Springs, is not accepting any new eviction filings until May 18, Tallant worried that when court proceedings resume, she and her family could be forced out of their apartment.


Then, on Monday night, she received a message that brought her some relief: She had previously reached out to Neumann, the attorney, for help, and he had discovered in a database compiled by the National Low Income Housing Coalition that her apartment complex’s mortgage was backed by the federal government.

然後,在週一晚上,她收到了一條消息,這讓她鬆了一口氣:她之前曾向律師諾伊曼(Neumann)尋求幫助,他在國家低收入住房聯盟(National Low Income Housing Coalition)編制的數據庫中發現,她公寓的抵押貸款得到了聯邦政府的支持。

Under a federal relief law, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security, or CARES, Act, that meant that not only was she protected from eviction until July 25, but also that her apartment management could not charge her late fees.

根據一項聯邦救濟法,即《冠狀病毒援助、救濟和經濟安全法案》(Coronavirus Aid, relief and Economic Security,簡稱CARES),這意味著,在7月25日之前,她不僅可以免於被驅逐,而且她的公寓管理部門也不能向她收取滯納金。

The management from Residences at Falcon North and JRK Property Holdings, the Los Angeles-based company that owns the complex, did not return requests for comment. The company owns 32,000 multifamily units and luxury hotels across 20 states, according to its website.

獵鷹北方(Falcon North)和JRK地產控股(JRK Property Holdings)的管理層沒有回覆記者的置評請求。據其網站顯示,該公司在美國20個州擁有3.2萬套多戶公寓和豪華酒店。

“I’m still angry, because how would I ever have known that as just a regular person, and I’ve been sitting here worried for weeks,” Tallant said. “The state still needs to step in and do more, too, because not everyone is going to fall under those circumstances.”


Even before the pandemic, Colorado renters — 35 percent of the state’s population — had already faced challenges including rapidly rising rents and stringent eviction policies, attorneys and researchers said.


Median rent for one-bedrooms apartments in the state has risen 26.1 percent since the beginning of 2014, compared to a national increase of 15.5 percent, as the state’s population grew, according to data from the real estate site Apartmentlist.com. Five Colorado cities — Aurora, Thornton, Colorado Springs, Westminster and Lakewood — were among the top 100 large cities with the highest eviction rates in 2016, according to Princeton’s Eviction Lab.


Unlike other states, renters in Colorado have almost no “cure period,” or time to pay back debt and prevent eviction, said Jack Regenbogen, a senior attorney with the Colorado Center on Law and Policy, a legal aid organization. In Colorado, the period ends the moment that the eviction is filed.

法律援助組織科羅拉多法律與政策中心(Colorado Center on Law and Policy)的高級律師傑克·雷根伯根(Jack Regenbogen)說,與其他州不同,科羅拉多州的租戶幾乎沒有“治癒期”,也就是償還債務和防止被驅逐的時間。在科羅拉多州,這一時期結束的時刻,驅逐提出。

Regenbogen is concerned for the many Coloradans who have lost their jobs; the state has seen more than 231,610 initial unemployment claims filed since mid-March.


“This crisis serves to compound and illustrate those inequities in the worst possible manifestations,” he said.


Tenants mobilize


Before the coronavirus outbreak, there was no tenant’s union at The Acacia Apartments, a 55-unit building in downtown Denver. Ryan Leach, 37, a renter in the building, said he decided to help start a union after noticing that many of his neighbors were struggling. Some had received letters from the management demanding that they pay their rent in 10 days or leave.

在冠狀病毒爆發之前,Acacia公寓(位於丹佛市中心,有55個單元)沒有租戶工會。37歲的瑞安·裡奇(Ryan Leach)是這棟大樓的租客,他說,他注意到很多鄰居都在苦苦掙扎,於是決定幫助成立一個工會。有些人收到了管理部門的來信,要求他們在10天內交房租或離開。

“Ultimately, what we want is for them to have open and good faith communication with all residents, and willingness for negotiations,” said Leach, who teaches computer science skills to Palestinian refugees abroad and is not working now because he can’t travel overseas.



Ryan Leach started a tenant's union at The Acacia Apartments in downtown Denver to help negotiate rent payment options with the building's landlords. (Ryan Leach)

瑞安·裡奇(Ryan Leach)在丹佛市中心的Acacia公寓裡成立了一個租戶工會,幫助房東協商租金支付方案。(Ryan Leach)


The group of about 25 residents is communicating on Slack and has placed flyers offering support in the building’s common area. The group also sent letters to management asking for rental assistance.


Vicky Pelton, operations director for Olive Bark LLC, which owns Acacia and 12 other apartment properties in Colorado, said that all late fees are waived, and tenants who have asked for a payment plan have been allowed to postpone paying half their rent.

Olive Bark LLC公司在科羅拉多州擁有Acacia和其他12處公寓物業,其運營總監維姬佩爾頓(Vicky Pelton)說,所有的滯期費都被免除了,要求支付計劃的租戶可以推遲支付一半的租金。

Leach said these concessions came after the union’s emails to management.


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Demand notices are only sent to tenants who haven’t asked for a payment plan, Pelton said, and no one is being evicted.


“It’s important for all residents to know that we care about them,” she said. “It’s not in anyone’s best interest for us to put someone out on the street.”


But many Colorado tenants do not have flexibility in making their rent — including those who are renting from private individuals.


Alexander Stockton, 26, rents a five-bedroom home with his wife, Nicole, in Arvada, just outside Denver. The couple was already struggling financially at the beginning of the year when Stockton closed his small furniture delivery company. By February, he’d found work doing contract remodeling. But in March, after business closures began, Stockton and Nicole, an assistant manager at a bridal boutique, both lost their jobs.

26歲的亞歷山大·斯托克頓(Alexander Stockton)和妻子妮可(Nicole)在丹佛郊外的阿瓦達(Arvada)租了一套有五間臥室的房子。年初斯托克頓關閉了他的小傢俱送貨公司時,這對夫婦已經在財務上陷入了困境。到了2月份,他找到了一份重塑合同的工作。但在3月份,在業務開始關閉後,斯托克頓和一家婚慶精品店的助理經理尼科爾雙雙失業。


Alexandra and Juliana Stockton (Alex Stockton)


Stockton said his landlord is an elderly man who relies on the rent to make ends meet. When Stockton asked about a payment plan, he was told it wasn’t possible. (A relative of the landlord, who collects the rent, did not respond to a request for comment.)


So Stockton said he scrounged up what he could from the couple’s savings, and with the help of family, they made the $2,000 rent for April. Last week, Nicole began receiving unemployment insurance, which will come to about $2,030 a month.


“So we’ll still be able to make full rent next month, but it’s going to be tight with food,” Stockton said.


Stockton said he understands that his landlord is also struggling and doesn’t begrudge him for requiring rent.


“He needs a place to live the same way we need it,” Stockton said. “We’re in the same boat.”


