Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

風在很大程度上決定了濟州島上的生活,天氣隨風而變,有時甚至異常突然。遍地的岩石將自然環境與人造 環境清晰的辨認開來。超過350戶民宅簇擁著坐落於濟州島上。島上的環境與韓國領土的大部分地區有著鮮 明的區別,這裡曾經是被流放的人的棲息地,時而久之,這裡形成了與眾不同的生活方式。除了人所熟知的熱帶天氣和熱帶植物以外,這裡的一切都由天氣說了算。

The weather is strong, it dominates jeju life, it is very windy quite often, and weather changes instantaneously. The basalt rocks are everywhere, demarcating fields, and individual houses. The orum, which is like a little hill, is everywhere, more than 350 of them in jeju island. It creates a scene. The island is sort of an exotica among Koreans, weather and vegetation reminds them of tropics. In the past, it was home for many exiles from the mainland. Time flows rather differently here. Weather is the ruler.

▼住宅外觀,view of the house

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

設計師幻想著在這裡建造一座隱秘住宅。住宅型如沉入地下,以中庭為該建築的中心。該住宅從中央水平切 面,一半潛入地下,一半浮在空中。這種設計使住宅展現前所未有的輕盈感,創造了一種多重力形式外觀。 底層的曲面屋頂展現了該住宅對濟州島傳統住宅的敬意。然而很多時候,一個項目的最終走向,可能只取決於客戶某事某刻的某個想法。

The secretive life-style of the client is presumed and imagined by the architect. Thus the bunker like home trenched into the earth, with an atrium in the middle was the first plan. The horizontal slit like villa savoye cut the home in half, one submerged, the other floating. The unbearable lightness of the heavy being is an aspiration to be held hostage to the idea of anti-gravity. The humble low lying curved roof paid much homage to the traditional homes of jeju. Many times a well agreed upon scheme is dropped due to sudden mood changes of the well-off clients. This was another one of those cases.

▼住宅核心樓梯間,the central staircase

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

▼樓梯間採光,roof light

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

該住宅的所有者希望打造一個奢侈的環境,因此,該住宅的最終成果與設計師最初想法完全不同,若你同時對比兩個方案,將會感受到設計師之前的種種設想在客戶的要求下變得面目全非。為滿足彼此要求,設計師將最初的一層住宅垂直擴展。如此改變後的住宅,形成一系列相互疊加的線性空間。住宅共上下三層,其中 二層設有對外的開放露臺。垂直住宅十分常見,因此賦予該項目一個獨特的標籤便顯得十分重要。狂風暴虐,暴雨侵襲,住宅輕輕扭轉著屹立在此。為了避免惡劣天氣的影響,住宅各結構部件緊密相連。

A rather showy and extravagant gesture was called upon to the mood changes of the client. The final form is a complete antithesis of the first design, therefore the effect is nullifying if you witness both of them simultaneously. The initial 1 storey home was dug up, and made to stand vertically. The dimension change brought about a very linear space stacked on top of each other, providing three storeys with an opening right in the middle of the 2nd floor. The erected houses now boasted much presence, but needed something more to give it a distinct character. Then the strong wind and rain started cracking the floors, and slowly three floored and rotating home came into existence. Too much wind gave nausea and anxiety. Something had to be done, thus the binding structures between the end points to other points.

▼客廳,living room

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)


濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

▼臥室 ,bedroom

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)


濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

▼扭曲的內部空間,the twist space

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)


The rotation has brought multiple view points to the living spaces. It also gave birth to many large verandas where different outdoor functions could be accommodated. Finally the client’s wish is fulfilled, and the architect is also quite happy, because he has been to two extremities of spatial qualities and experiences.

▼平面旋轉形成戶外平臺,terrance cased by the rotated plan

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

▼平臺觀景,views on the terrance

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

▼夜色中的建築,house in the dark

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

▼一層平面圖,the first floor plan

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

▼二層平面圖,the second floor plan

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

▼三層平面圖,the third floor plan

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

▼屋頂平面圖,roof plan

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

▼南立面,south elevation

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

▼北立面,north elevation

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

▼東立面,east elevation

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

▼西立面,west elevation

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

▼縱切面longitudinal section

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

濟州島簡單住宅 / Moon Hoon(搭積木的建築師)

Architect: MOONBALSSO(Moon Hoon)

Design team: Kim jaekwan, Kim haeree, Park jeonguk, Song giwon, Tomasz Kisilewicz

Location : 68, Wolsannam 2-gil, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, Korea

Program : House Site area: 714m²

Building area: 133.48m²

Gross floor area: 206.40m²

Building scope: 3F

Parking: 2

Height: 11.05m

Building to land ratio: 18.70%

Floor area ratio: 28.90% Structure: RC

Exterior finishing : Exposed concrete Client : JJ

