每天學個英語詞組:make a stab at

每天學個英語詞組:make a stab at

Make a stab at 是嘗試的意思,也可以說 have a stab at。

"I had never tried scuba diving before, but I made a stab at it while in Hawaii," 我以前從來沒有潛過水,但是這次在夏威夷嘗試了一下。

1971年,美國一個叫Dan Cooper的人成功劫機並跳傘逃走,成為美國曆史上唯一一宗劫機懸案。"The FBI released new details in the case, in an effort to make a new stab at finding the mysterious skyjacker," 美國聯邦調查局公佈了案情的新細節,再次試圖找到這個神秘的劫機人。

好的,今天我們學習的詞是make a stab at. 趕緊試試用這個英語詞組在下面留言區造個句子吧!

