新概念英語第三冊 Lesson18重點詞彙,句型,語法分析(雙重否定句)

新概念英語第三冊 Lesson18重點詞彙,句型,語法分析(雙重否定句)

新概念英語第三冊Lesson18 Electric currents in modern art

新概念英語第三冊 Lesson18 Electric currents in modern art


1. oddly=strangely,unaccountably , +familiar, touching, comforting ,奇怪地;古怪地,無法解釋地;不可理解地

  • The drug made him behave quite oddly. 這種藥使得他行為相當古怪。
  • an oddly shaped hill形狀古怪的山
  • He said no and seemed oddly reluctant to talk about it.他拒絕了,而且看起來不願意談論此事,這令人費解。
  • There is disappointment, sadness, and confusion, but oddly, there is no retreat from hope to go to university. 我曾經有過失望、悲傷甚至迷惑,但奇怪的是,就是不曾放棄上大學希望。
  • Oddly, some of the homes were built with garages, although villagers don’t have cars. 奇怪的是,有些住宅還建有車庫,儘管村民們並沒有車子。

oddly adv. 說來奇怪;奇怪的是

Oddly, Liu Yifei says she never considered her face was attractive.奇怪的是,劉亦菲說她從來都不認為自己長得好看。

新概念英語第三冊 Lesson18重點詞彙,句型,語法分析(雙重否定句)

Oddly, Liu Yifei says she never considered her face was attractive.奇怪的是,劉亦菲說她從來都不認為

Oddly enough, most of this advice seems to have been ignored.真是奇怪,這條建議的大部分內容似乎都被忽視了。

1. current n. 電流;adj. 現在的;流通的,通用的;最近的;草寫的

the flow of electricity 電流

a continuous movement of water 水流

current adj. 目前的,現在的 current affairs 時事

current coins流通硬幣

I am ill-informed on current affairs.我對時事瞭解不多。

the BBC's current affairs programme 英國廣播公司的時事節目

currently adv.普遍地,通常地,現在,當前

2. mistaken adj. 錯誤的, incorrect;wrong;misunderstood

  • I was under the mistaken impression that they were Canada. 我有個錯誤的印象,以為他們是加拿大人。
  • The teacher has mistaken opinion of his pupil.
  • He doesn's use simple plain language and he is often mistaken.

make a mistake/by mistake 弄錯了

He took my umbrella by mistake.

and no mistake 確實如此

He is honest and no mistake.

mistake vt. 句型 mistake sb.for 把某人誤認為

Yesterday I mistook him for my classmate.

新概念英語第三冊 Lesson18重點詞彙,句型,語法分析(雙重否定句)


3. attach v. 連,系

attach vt. 系、拴、粘上,貼上

attach to 把……栓在……上He attached the horse to a tree.

attach to sb.for sth. 因為某事而把……加再某人身上

We didn't attach blame to him for his failure.我們沒有因失敗就歸咎於他。

attach importance to sth. 對某事非常重視

We attach importance to education

be attached to sth: 喜歡,喜愛

I'm very attached to her.


1. Modern sculpture rarely surprises us any more. The idea that modern art can only be seen in museums is mistaken. 現代雕塑不再使我們感到驚訝了。那種認為現代藝術只能在博物館裡才能看到的觀點是錯誤的。


  • Instead, we walk around with all sorts of unexamined beliefs about what works that are mistaken.取而代之的是,我們一直在各種各樣未經證實的錯誤的理念上打轉。
  • This suggests high expectations for all children, but should not be
    mistaken to mean all children should or must excel in all areas. 這意味著對所有孩子的高期望,但不要錯誤的認為所有孩子在所有領域都會卓越。
  • Indeed, you are mistaken, Madam. I have not been at all able to account for the honour of seeingyou here. 夫人,你實在想錯了,我完全不明白你這次怎麼這樣看得起我們,會到這種地方來。
  • 新概念英語第三冊 Lesson18重點詞彙,句型,語法分析(雙重否定句)


    2. Even people who take no interest in art cannot have failed to notice examples of modern sculpture on display in public places. 即使是對藝術不感興趣的人,也不會注意不到在公共場所展示的現代藝術品。

    who take no interest in art 修飾說明people

    take interest in 對……感興趣;take delight in 對……感到高興

    take pride in 對……感到驕傲

    show interest in 顯示對……的興趣


    cannot fail to 雙重否定意味著肯定

    He must have passed his examination last week.

    He cannot have failed to pass his examination last week.

    You must keep your promise.

    You can't fail to keep your promise.


    A.否定詞 no/not/never/nobody/few/ little 等+具有否定意義的動詞/短語

    新概念英語第三冊 Lesson18重點詞彙,句型,語法分析(雙重否定句)


    • There is no denying the truth.真理是不能否認的。
    • Nobody disagrees.沒有人對此提出異議。
    • Few fail to repay.很少有人不能償還欠款。
    • B. 否定詞 no/not/never等+without…
      Nothing to be got without pains but poverty.[諺]只有貧窮是可以不勞而獲的。
    • No smoke without fire•[諺];無風不起浪。
    • They cannot succeed without your help.沒有你們的幫助,他們不能成功。
    • They never meet without quarreling.他們每次見面必吵架。

    C. 否定詞 no/not等+表示否定意義的形容詞

    • He has no small reputation as a scientist.他是名氣很大的科學家。
    • No way is impossible to courage.勇士面前無險路。
    • It is not uncommon for students to have friendly relationship with their teachers.學生與老師建立友好關係並不罕見。


    • There is no rule that has no exception.任何規則都有例外。(兩個相同的否定詞重複使用)
    • It is impossible not to do the work.不做這件工作是不可能的。(否定形容詞在前,而否定詞在後,否定不定式)
    新概念英語第三冊 Lesson18重點詞彙,句型,語法分析(雙重否定句)


    3. Strange forms stand in gardens, and outside buildings and shops. We have got quite used to them. 公園裡、大樓和商店外豎立著的奇形怪狀的雕塑,對這些,我們已經司空見慣了。

    Some so-called 'modern' pieces have been on display for nearly fifty years. 有些所謂的“現代”藝術品在那裡已經陳列了近80年了。

    We have got quite used to them.對這些,我們已經司空見慣了

    got quite used to 習慣於

    4. In spite of this, some people--including myself,were surprised by a recent exhibition of modern sculpture. 儘管如此,最近舉辦的一次現代雕塑展覽還是使一些人(包括我在內)大吃了一驚。

    in spite of 不管,雖然,儘管,不顧

    in spite of itself 不知不覺 偷偷地

    • In spite of different opinions, we must stay together and jointly oppose the US. 儘管有不同意見,我們必須團結一致共同對抗美國。
    • In spite of these insults, I managed not to get angry. 儘管遭到了這些侮辱,我盡力控制住自己沒有發怒。
    • In spite of her good salary, she measured out every dollar needed for household expenses. 她的工資儘管不錯,但在家務開支上每一塊錢她也要算一算。
    • In spite of all kinds of obstructions we succeeded in carrying most of
      our plans through. 儘管遇到了各種阻撓,但我們還是成功地實現了大部分計劃。
    • Yet in spite of these advantages, many investment firms have found it extremely challenging to manage their Chinese operations. 然而,儘管擁有這些優勢,許多投資公司已經發現,管理中國業務極具挑戰性。
    新概念英語第三冊 Lesson18重點詞彙,句型,語法分析(雙重否定句)

    5. The first thing I saw when I entered the art gallery was a notice which said: 'Do not touch the exhibits. Some of them are dangerous!'走進展廳首先看到的是一張告示,上面寫著“切勿觸摸展品,某些展品有危險!”

    The first thing...was a notice which said... 定語從句省略 that

    dangerous adj. 危險的

    a dangerous road一條危險的馬路

    it's dangerous to do sth做某事是危險的

    It is dangerous to drive with a dirty windscreen.駕車時擋風玻璃不乾淨是很危險的。

    It's dangerous to jump to early conclusions.結論下得過早是很危險的。

    6. The objects on display were pieces of moving sculpture. 展品都是些活動的雕像。

    新概念英語第三冊 Lesson18重點詞彙,句型,語法分析(雙重否定句)

    7. Oddly shaped forms that are suspended from the ceiling and move in response to a gust of wind are quite familiar to everybody. 人們所熟悉的是懸掛在天花板上、造型奇特、隨風飄蕩的雕塑品。這些展品卻使人大開眼界。

    Oddly...that... that引導的定語從句用來限定shaped forms

    that 定語從句中:in response to/in reaction to 作為對……的反應

    sth. be familiar to sb.對某人來講很熟悉

    The house is familiar to him.

    I don't really remember where I have seen him before,but he looks very familiar to me

    sb. familiar with 熟悉,熟知

    Are you familiar with the play of Shakespeare?

    I'm familiar with that book too.


    sth.be familiar to sb.

    sb.be familiar with sth.

    8. These objects, however, were different. Lined up against the wall, there were long thin wires attached to metal spheres. 靠牆排列著許多細長的電線,而電線又連著金屬球。

    attach vt.& vi. 貼上,系;附上

    vt. (有時不受歡迎或未受邀請而)參加;把…固定;把…歸因於;(使)與…有聯繫

    vi. 從屬;附著;伴隨而來;聯在一起(to, upon)

    the attached letter所附信件

    Don't forget to attach your entry form.別忘了附上你的報名表。

    please find attached請參見附件

    Please find attached a copy of my CV.請參見本人所附的簡歷。

    attach vt.賦予;寄予

    Don't attach too much importance to this report.不要過於看重這個報告。

    新概念英語第三冊 Lesson18重點詞彙,句型,語法分析(雙重否定句)


    9. The spheres had been magnetized and attracted or repelled each other all the time. 金屬球經過磁化,互相之間不停地相互吸引或相互排斥。

    repel vt. 擊退;使厭惡;抵制;使不愉快



    1) ( push back ) [ +advance, invader ] 擊退;逐回

    They marched hurriedly with orders to repel the advance of the enemy


    2) ( disgust ) 使討厭;使厭惡

    She felt a violent excitement that frightened and repelled her 她感覺到一種使她既恐懼又厭惡的強烈興奮感

    3) ( dismiss ,refuse) 對…置之不理;拒絕

    He repelled the suggestion as wrong and impossible.他拒絕採納這一建議,認為它是錯誤且不可行的。

    4) ( keep away ) 驅散;驅除

    This is an aerosol spray,made in CHina, that repels flies。 這是一種中國生產的驅蚊噴霧劑

    5) [ +substance ] 排斥;與…不相溶

    Water and oil repel each other.水與油不相溶。

    6) ( spurn ) 不屑接受;輕蔑地拒絕

    She repelled his advances. 她對他的挑逗不予理睬。

    10. In the centre of the hall, there were a number of tall structures which contained coloured lights. These lights flickered continuously like traffic lights which have gone mad. 展廳中央是裝有彩色燈泡的許多高高的構件,燈泡一刻不停地閃爍著,就像失去了控制的紅綠燈。

    新概念英語第三冊 Lesson18重點詞彙,句型,語法分析(雙重否定句)

    Never too old to learn

    continuously adv. 不停止的

    on and off: continuously

    It has been raining on and of since noon.

    go mad 發瘋,發狂:run mad

    He must have gone mad to do such a thing.

    11. Sparks were emitted from small black boxes and red lamps flashed on and off angrily.小黑盒子裡迸出火花,紅色燈泡發怒似地忽明忽暗。

    emitvt. 發出;發射;頒佈;發表


    同義詞:give off; utter; discharge, produce

    新概念英語第三冊 Lesson18重點詞彙,句型,語法分析(雙重否定句)

    有效學習只有三步: 預習、學習、複習

    12. It was rather like an exhibition of prehistoric electronic equipment. These Peculiar forms not only seemed designed to shock people emotionally, but to give them electric shocks as well ! 這兒倒像是在展覽古老的電子設備。好像設計這些奇形怪狀的展品不僅是為了給人感情上的強烈刺激,而且還想給人以電擊似的!

    It was rather like...

    It was rather like a good western,full of life .它頗象一部攝製得很好的西部片,充滿活力.
    It was more like a river than a swimming pool .與其說是游泳池,倒不如說它更象一條河。

    It was more like...

    新概念英語第三冊 Lesson18重點詞彙,句型,語法分析(雙重否定句)


