
Q: Can you please clarify what is the difference between plan A and plan B? Do students need to decide whether they want to start in fall 2020 and they want to start in January 2021? 您能否說明計劃A和計劃B有什麼區別? 學生是否需要決定是否要在2020年秋季開始以及是否要在2021年1月開始


A:Sure! Plan A is starting on-time for the fall semseter. You have all applied for the fall semseter and been admitted for the fall semester. This semester starts on Monday, August 31. Plan B is our back-up plan or exception in case students cannot arrive by August 31. You are not deciding between Plan A and Plan B right now. You will deposit if you wish to enroll, apply for an I-20 for fall, and if you cannot get a visa or travel restrictions keep you from being able to arrive by August 31, then we will update your I-20 for a spring (January 2021) start date.

當然! 計劃A在秋季開始準時啟動。 你們都已經申請了秋季入學,並被秋季學期錄取。 這個學期從8月31日星期一開始。如果學生無法在8月31日之前到達,則B計劃是我們的後備計劃或例外。您現在不能在A計劃和B計劃之間做出選擇。入學前必須先繳納押金,申請I-20。如果您無法獲得簽證或旅行限制使您無法在8月31日之前到達,那麼我們將為您更新I-20到春季入學(2021年1月)開始日期。


Q: When students apply for I-20 should they select fall 2020 option ? 學生申請I-20時應選擇2020年秋季選項嗎?

A: That's a great question. Yes, students should choose fall on the OIS e-form when applying for the I-20. Both fall and spring are included because this is the same form for all programs at Johns Hopkins University and some programs admit students for spring. You were admitted for fall and should choose fall. We have been looking into removing spring from the form for Carey students to reduce confusion. 這是一個很好的問題。是的,學生在申請I-20時應選擇使用OIS電子表格。秋季和春季都包括在內,因為對於約翰·霍普金斯大學的所有課程來說,這都是相同的形式,並且某些課程錄取了春季學生。您錄取為秋季,應該選擇秋季。我們一直在考慮從Carey學生的表格中刪除春季,以減少混亂。

