
兩希文化:Hellenistic culture and Hebrew culture,二千年來一直影響著全世界。希臘文明帶來了理性、邏輯和方法論,產生了科學;而希伯來文明帶來了一神敬拜的信仰和由此而產生的基督教。一個是科學,另一個則是靈魂。







Dear Joseph,

Thanks for your email. Your efforts to teach yourself English are very admirable, and they have really proved effective! Your English is quite good!

You mentioned in your email that in your 40's you experienced many life pressures and mental stresses. Such things really do make all of us stop and think about the meaning of life...Why are we here? Where did we come from? What's the purpose of life? Are money and Worldly success and all the other things the World says are important, really the most important things in life? etc. These are all very important questions, and their Biblical answers gives us peaceful hearts in the midst of troubles and stresses. As one of the Christian Sisters at St. Paul's often says, "Following Jesus is so sweet." It really is.

Reading the Bible will lead you to God and to Jesus Christ. Religions are largely "human-made" but a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and with Our Heavenly Father God, are the ultimate goal of Christianity. Maybe this sounds a little strange right now, but if you continue to study the Bible and come to church, they will soon make sense.

I am so glad that you have been coming to church and joining the discussion group, and hope you will continue to come and take part as often as possible. It is my prayer for you that you will have a personal encounter with Jesus Christ! There is no greater treasure on earth now and for all eternity than to know Jesus Christ, and to know God in a personal relationship.

God bless you,




Worldly success——世俗的成功,就是名和利。

the World——世人

gives us peaceful hearts in the midst of troubles and stresses——在困境和精神壓力中給予我們內心平安。


Religions are largely "human-made"—— 宗教的那些敬拜儀式都是人做出來,不能說走了儀式就表示有信仰。真正的信仰是你對這位天父和耶穌如何認識,與他們建立何種的關係。


make sense——Karen在談到有意義或理解時,經常用這個詞組,這個詞組比understand更通俗。

第四段中的no greater treasure on earth now and for all eternity than to know Jesus Christ是全文的主題。


