
Unit3 How do you get to school?


1. get to school 到達學校

2. take the subway 乘地鐵

3. ride a bike 騎自行車

4. how far 多遠

5. from home to school 從家到學校

6. every day 每天

7. take the bus 乘公共汽車

8. by bike 騎自行車

9. bus stop 公共汽車站

10. think of 認為

11. between…and… 在…和…之間

12. one 11-year-old boy 一個11歲的男孩 13.

play with… 和…玩

14. come true 實現

15. have to 不得不


1. take…to…= go to…by… 乘…去…

2. How do/does sb get to…? 某人是怎樣到…的?

3. How far is it from…to…? 從…到…有多遠?

4. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花費某人多長時間。 5. How long does it take to do sth.? …花費多長時間?

6. It is + adj. + to do sth. 做某事是…

7. Thanks for + n./Ving 感謝你(做)某事。


1. —How do you get to school? 你怎麼去上學?

—I ride my bike. 我騎自行車。

2. How far is it from your home to school? 從你家到學校有多遠?

3. How long does it take you to get to school? 去上學花費你多久?

4. For many students, it is easy to get to school. 對很多學生來說,很容易到達學校。

5. There is a very big river between their school and the village. 在他們學校和村莊之間有一條很大的河流。



寫作思路:②開篇點題:點出自己的出行方式;②具體內容:自己選擇這種交通方式的原因;③結束語: 表明自己的觀點。

The Best Way for Me to Go to School

Different students go to school in different ways in our school, but I llike to go to school on foot.

First, I live near the school, so my home is not far from my school. And it takes me a few minutes to get there. Second, there is a crossing on my way to school, and sometimes the traffic is very busy. I think it is safer to go to school on foot. Third, I think walking is good for my health. It’s a kind of sport and it makes me study better.

So in my opinion, the best way to go to school is on foot. What about you?


