杭州大学生疫情前武汉旅游 自我隔离14天 英语演讲特殊感动的经历










超级演说家, 黑龙江大学西语学院商务英语一班鲁星辰风采展示

杭州大学生疫情前武汉旅游 自我隔离14天 英语演讲特殊感动的经历


Battle against the Virus, Love has No Edge


作品介绍 :大家好呀,我是商务英语一班的鲁星辰,这一次疫情我有了一次特殊的经历还了解到了医生的伟大和付出,希望我的语言能为你带来一些感动,希望我们都能承担起我们的责任,我期待与你在春天相遇。


Battle against the Virus, Love has No Edge

Good evening, everyone, I am honored to have this chance to deliver a speech today. The topic of my speech is about Battle against the Virus. I’m going to share with you the story of a doctor. I will start with my own experience. On January 12th I went to Wuhan with some of my friends. Yes, now everyone knows that is just before the outbreak of the CoronaVirus-19. we had a pleasant five days trip. On January 16th, I returned to my hometown Hangzhou. And then the government announced the outbreak of the Virus and I started a 14 day period of self-isolation. you can imagine how nervous I was. I kept getting confirmation calls from the hospital and the community. The only thing I could do was to wear a mask and stay at home. Words can’t express how lucky I was, nothing happened, fourteen days later, I finally got the confirmation of close observation issued by the hospital, I’m OK.

During this period of time, I frequently had contact with doctors and got to know how dangerous their work is.

I want to ask you a question. Is anyone in your family a doctor? To be honest, my family doesn’t have a doctor, but my high school class teacher’s husband is a surgeon, we can call him Dr. Zhu. Through my teacher’s We Chat moments, I have already known that her husband signed up to the front line of the battle against the epidemic. When I asked her, she sent me all the diaries she wrote during this period. The diaries simply recorded the things she did every day and some feelings, but I was deeply moved. On New Year's Eve, Dr. Zhu was still on duty in the hospital. They had been married for more than ten years, only spent three new year together. On January 27th, Dr. Zhu signed up for the second time to go to Wuhan. The hospital arranged to leave the next day. In her husband's absence, all my teacher could do was taking care of herself and her son. She would also secretly shed tears, in her diary on February 4th, she wrote, "I finally saw your work photo. Be sure to stay safe. We wait for you at home" Her son drew nine pictures for his father and wrote long letters to cheer on his father in the battle. “Mom will take care of me. I will take responsibility like a man. I’m very proud to be your son.” He wrote. On March 19th, my teacher finally went to the airport to meet her husband who came back from victory. People like him, we call them “heroes in harm’s way”.

As President Kennedy said “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” It is a war without smoke, because of the people who brave a dangerous situation ,We can usher in a beautiful spring. I want to remind you all that we share the responsibility, I wish you the best of luck in this special time. Thank you!


杭州大学生疫情前武汉旅游 自我隔离14天 英语演讲特殊感动的经历


杭州大学生疫情前武汉旅游 自我隔离14天 英语演讲特殊感动的经历







来源:浙江电视台《周哥视角》记者周建仕(视频图文 提供 :鲁星辰)

