建築每日一例—— 網紅事務所sasaki:深圳市羅湖城市改造



Sasaki took first place in the international competition for Luohu Streetscape, Luohu Railway Station, and Guang-shen Railway Renovation Design in Shenzhen, China.

▼鳥瞰效果圖,bird view

建築每日一例—— 網紅事務所sasaki:深圳市羅湖城市改造


Luohu is the first district developed in the city of Shenzhen, which serves as the gateway connecting Hong Kong and Shenzhen. Multiple human and natural factors have affected the district for years. Poor urban planning and a rapid population boom have created numerous challenges for Luohu—low traffic capacity, an antiquated transit system, poor spatial quality of some streets and inefficient land-use changes in the area. This project aims to systematically improve the city image in order to align the urban renewal effort with the positioning of Luohu district. Additionally, the design improves the spatial quality and experience of the public realm and celebrates Shenzhen’s identity as the first special economic zone.

▼區位分析,analysis diagram

建築每日一例—— 網紅事務所sasaki:深圳市羅湖城市改造


The concept of Sasaki’s design scheme, “From Luohu Bridge to Artery of Life,” uses public open spaces and a transportation hub as the catalyst for transforming the district. Reimagined industrial parcels become vital spaces within the urban fabric while surgical redevelopment at strategic locations improves the city’s overall image and structure. Care is given to celebrate the unique character of each public street while still improving circulation for pedestrians and bike riders.

▼規劃總圖,master plan

建築每日一例—— 網紅事務所sasaki:深圳市羅湖城市改造


In the long-term scope, the north-south corridor along the Guang-Shen Railway and Buji River will be transformed into the “Artery of Life”—traversing the center of the district. This “Artery” will connect the city core areas like the Luohu Port and the new proposed Sungang Area, and will catalyze the urban renewal and industrial upgrading of the adjacent areas. The Artery of Life will become the new gateway from Luohu to Hong Kong, and even the world.

▼分析圖,沿河綠廊連接羅湖口岸和新規劃的城市核心區,diagram, green corridor along the river connects the Luohu Port and the new urban area

建築每日一例—— 網紅事務所sasaki:深圳市羅湖城市改造

▼分析圖,沿河綠廊轉化為城區中央的深港綠巷,diagram, green corridor along the river turns to be an artery of life in the city

建築每日一例—— 網紅事務所sasaki:深圳市羅湖城市改造

建築每日一例—— 網紅事務所sasaki:深圳市羅湖城市改造


Seven aspects are studied and integrated into the streetscape design: transportation, program, urban façade, storm water management, planting, site furnishing, and signage systems. The renovated streets will provide more efficient urban services and higher-quality spaces.

▼道路剖面示意圖,road section

建築每日一例—— 網紅事務所sasaki:深圳市羅湖城市改造


The streets, based on their positioning, are given individual characters. Dedicated bike lanes and clear right-of-way for the pedestrians are proposed to provide a safe, slow, and charming traffic experience on the street level. Various programs organized in diverse spatial forms will compliment with diverse uses found within the adjacent commercial, office, residential, and civic buildings. With the holistic renovation, the streets will serve as a medium for vital, exciting urban living.

▼效果圖,各具特色的步行環境提升步行體驗,different pedestrian ways enhance walking experience

建築每日一例—— 網紅事務所sasaki:深圳市羅湖城市改造

建築每日一例—— 網紅事務所sasaki:深圳市羅湖城市改造


As the major element connecting the pedestrian system, the existing pedestrian overpass is also renovated in this round of design. With the new ADA path, democratic and convenient street crossing chances are created for all the people. With the utilization of the bamboo-made weaving pattern, the new pergola structure design is adapted to the local climate and provides shelter for pedestrians.

▼效果圖,覆以竹材棚架的無障礙步行橋,barrier free walking bridge covered by bamboo-made canopy

建築每日一例—— 網紅事務所sasaki:深圳市羅湖城市改造

建築每日一例—— 網紅事務所sasaki:深圳市羅湖城市改造


The innovative and sustainable façade renovation for the railway station helps ventilate the indoor spaces with a thermo-dynamic design. This system will provide a more comfortable experience for the passengers inside of the station. More service programs are inserted strategically, transferring the railway station from a monotonous transportation node to an energetic life hub. Design of the station’s front plaza enhances its function as an extension of the railway station building, creating a sense of “the city living room”, while simultaneously serving more users. The basement below the building and plaza is developed integrally. The plaza provides outdoor recreation and communication space with green canopies and landscape surroundings, not only for serving the passengers, but also for creating valuable public open space in this high-dense development area.

▼效果圖,火車站立面採用新穎節能建築表皮,sustainable facade of the railway station

建築每日一例—— 網紅事務所sasaki:深圳市羅湖城市改造

▼效果圖,火車站地面廣場提供交流休息空間,ground level plaza in front of the railway station provides space for communication and rest

建築每日一例—— 網紅事務所sasaki:深圳市羅湖城市改造


After Sasaki’s proposal was selected, a set of design guidelines were developed to further codify the street concepts and summarize the design approaches for typical sections throughout the site.

▼街道夜景,night view of the street

建築每日一例—— 網紅事務所sasaki:深圳市羅湖城市改造

項目名稱:深圳市羅湖城市改造項目位置:中國深圳業主名稱:華潤(深圳)有限公司現況:2018年3月概念設計完成,獲得競賽一等獎規模: 100公頃服務範圍:規劃及城市設計、景觀建築

Project name: Luohu Streetscape RenovationProject location: Shenzhen, ChinaClient name: China Resources Land LimitedSize: 15.4 hectaresStatus: Design completed in March 2018, won 1st place in the competitionServices: Planning and Urban Design, Landscape Architecture

