
成都市郫都區錦城公園片區概念性城市設計全球方案徵集評審會於2019年 12 月13 日在 郫都區溫德姆至尊豪廷大酒店 舉行。評審委員會由7位專家【周方中、鄭小明、林青、朱捷、趙煒、張壘、胡佳(排名不分先後)】組成。評審委員會一致推選 鄭小明 作為評審委員會主席。評審會成員聽取了5家方案設計單位的現場彙報,並對其提交的成果文件進行深入討論。通過記名投票方式,最終評選出不排序的前3名優勝方案。The review meeting of Global Plan of Conceptual Urban Design of Jincheng Park Area in Pidu District, Chengdu was held on December 13, 2019 at Wyndham Grand Plaza Royale Palace. Review jury is comprised of 7 industrial experts (namely Zhou Fangzhong, Zheng Xiaoming, Lin Qing, Zhu Jie, Zhao Wei, Zhang Lei and Hu Jia( in no particular order)) . The Review jury unanimously elected Zheng Xiaoming as the chairman of the review jury. The members of review jury listened to the on-site reports of 5 scheme design institutions and deep discussed the deliverable documents submitted by them. Based on open ballot, the top three winning schemes are finally selected.3名優勝方案及其設計單位如下(排名不分先後):The top three winning schemes and design institutions are listed below (in no particular order)


徵集人:成都市西匯投資有限公司 2019年 12 月16 日


