
















Pompeio, who spread the "political virus" in the world, is turning himself into a public enemy of mankind

Yesterday 17:02 official account of guangming.com

"Not only did he not show any leadership, but he also used the new crown epidemic to attack US rivals, especially China and Iran, which greatly weakened the global cooperation in fighting the epidemic, which is the most urgent at present." Recently, politico, the US political news website, criticized the current US Secretary of state on a roll call.

Similar criticism is making waves at home. For example, the Washington Post recently denounced it as one of the worst secretaries of state ever. "He's absent most of the time, and what we know is that what he does doesn't help much," criticized Tom white, a Brookings Institution scholar

Why does pompeio become a target? Let's see what he did:

As white pointed out, since the outbreak, as the chief diplomat of the United States, pompeio has done nothing in the prevention and control of the epidemic, just like "invisible man". Instead, he jumped the hardest in splashing dirty water on China as a "daily lesson.". From calling the virus "Wuhan virus" publicly for many times, to slandering "China failed to report the epidemic in time", to clamoring for "accountability claim" from China Pompeio vividly interprets the "lie, cheat and steal" that he advocated during the CIA period, adding another moral stain to the American diplomatic record and constantly destroying the national reputation of the United States.

More than that, he said, the United States may never be able to resume its funding to the World Health Organization, openly standing on the opposite side of international public health interests, exposing ugly hegemonic face and power mentality, and being strongly resisted by many countries, including American allies. Ironically, pompeio boasted that the United States would continue to "lead" the global anti epidemic process, and claimed that $270 million in new humanitarian and economic security assistance funds would be provided. However, Palestine made it clear that it did not see any aid claimed by the United States. A spokesman for China's foreign ministry recently responded that "no one has been seen." In the face of the crisis, this kind of diplomacy of "no benefits but no benefits" is really offensive.

Obviously, what he did made the world see clearly: the epidemic was not a painful event in his eyes, and the life and death of the American people were irrelevant to him. Only seeking political self-interest and engaging in geopolitics were his "favorite cause".

In order to achieve this goal, pompeio's rumor and slander can be said to be at the top of the scale, with anti intellectual and anti human color. It is doubted whether he has lost his mind.

First, the problem of virus traceability is a scientific one, not a political one. Novel coronavirus was a popular medical journal in the middle of February. 27 international top public health scientists issued a statement in the famous medical journal Lancet, strongly condemning the conspiracy theory that the new coronavirus disease is not natural origin, and pointed out that such conspiracy theory "has nothing to do but create panic, rumors, prejudice and damage prevention work". Pengpeio maliciously linked the virus to Wuhan, but through racist means to create opposition, to smear China's anti epidemic efforts, in order to divert attention, shift responsibility, intentions extremely sinister.

Second, pompeio's accusation that China is concealing information about the epidemic is completely out of the blue. After the outbreak, China will report the outbreak to who as soon as possible, share the gene sequence of new coronavirus with other countries around the world, and cooperate with the international community in epidemic prevention and control. The Chinese side has also repeatedly introduced in detail, in the form of time lines, the release of the epidemic and international cooperation. These are all iron facts. Pompeio turned a blind eye, planted the stolen goods wantonly and turned himself into a "rumor making machine".

Recently, two dead people in California were found to be infected with the new coronavirus in January and have no travel history in China. JHA, director of the Global Health Institute at Harvard University, speculated that the new coronavirus might have spread in the United States earlier than January. Earlier, novel coronavirus pneumonia was actually infected by Robert Redfield, director of the US CDC, who admitted publicly that some of the deaths in the US were caused by influenza in September. Who is hiding the epidemic information? Does pompeio have the courage to give an explanation to the international community?

Third, the so-called argument of pursuing responsibility and claiming compensation from China is even more groundless and sensational. Epidemics don't know borders, diseases don't know races. China, like other countries in the world, is a victim of the epidemic. No matter from the legal basis, the factual basis or the international justice, this fallacy is not tenable, but a political gimmick.

It seems that in the face of such a liar as pompeio, facts and truth do not exist. However, the louder he clamoured, the more obvious his purpose was to shirk responsibility and hide evil. Under the epidemic, pompeio is on the road of political speculation, trying to accumulate the support of the surrounding conservative forces through poor performances, to help him achieve his personal ambition to the top of power.

So, when it comes to accountability, pompeio is one of the people most to be blamed. As the chief diplomat of the United States, he did not show any professional ethics and responsibility in the face of the crisis. Instead, he continued to spread "political virus", sow discord, gossip, trample on the bottom line of human morality, constantly interfere with international public health cooperation, and become a stumbling block for the unity and anti epidemic of all mankind

