聽美劇學英語39期:It's good to have faith in people 相信別人

Hello,這裡是地道英語,我是W!今天這個視頻來自Desperate Housewives的第一季第10集。Lynette終於找到滿意的保姆Claire,但是當她閒下來在Bree家聊天的時候卻一直掛念著自己的孩子。Bree建議Lynette去買一個保姆監視器,Lynette卻覺得這是不信任Claire的做法。因此兩個人就人與人之間的信任展開一場討論,很是精彩。快來跟W一起看看裡面地道的英語表達吧!

聽美劇學英語39期:It's good to have faith in people 相信別人

Lynette: I wonder what's going on over there. I mean, Claire did okay with the kids yesterday, but that could have been beginner's luck. Do you think I should call? I should call! 我想知道家裡現在怎麼樣了。我的意思是, Claire 昨天和孩子們相處得很好,但那可能是新手的運氣。你認為我應該打個電話嗎?我應該打個電話。wonder: 想知道、懷疑 go on: 發生 over there: 在那邊 mean: 意思是、意味著 kid: 孩子 beginner: 初學者,新手 luck: 運氣、幸運 call: 打電話

Bree: Lynette, for the first time in years you finally have some free time, and you're wasting it obsessing about the kids. Lynette, 這麼多年來你終於有了一些自由時間,而你卻把它浪費在擔心你的孩子上。for the first time: 初次、首次 in years: 幾年內 finally: 最後、最終 free: 空閒的 waste: 浪費、虛耗 obsess: 困擾、煩擾

Lynette: It's just, I don't know this woman, I mean, not really. So she has a degree in sociology. Well big deal, who doesn't? My boys are a lot to handle. What if she's not up to it? 只是,我不瞭解這個女人,我的意思是,不真正瞭解。即使她有社會學學位那又怎麼樣,誰沒有呢?我的孩子們很難對付。要是她搞不定怎麼辦?mean: 意思是、意味著 really: 實際上、真正的 degree: 學位、學銜 sociology: 社會學 big deal: (反意)了不起、不過如此 a lot to: 很多可做的事 handle: 管理、處理 up to: 勝任、足以應付

聽美劇學英語39期:It's good to have faith in people 相信別人

Bree: You know, if you really have that many doubts, you should go buy a hidden camera. 我說,如果你真的有那麼多的疑問,你應該去買個隱藏的攝像器。doubt: 懷疑、疑惑 hidden: 隱藏的、秘密的 camera: 照相機、攝影機

Lynette: What, a nanny cam? 什麼?一個保姆監視器?nanny cam: 保姆攝影機 nanny: 保姆 cam: camera 攝像機

Bree: Yeah. People do terrible things when they think no one is watching them. 是啊,人們會做可怕的事情,當他們認為沒人在盯著他們的時候。terrible: 可怕的、糟糕的 watch: 注視、監視

Lynette: Yeah. I don't really think I could videotape Claire. It would be a breach of trust. 是啊,可我覺得我不能監視 Claire,這是一種背信棄義。videotape: 錄製 breach: 破壞、違反 trust: 信任、信賴

Bree: Trust is overrated. 信任總被高估。overrate: 評價過高、高估

聽美劇學英語39期:It's good to have faith in people 相信別人

Lynette: So, how are things with you and Rex? 嗯,你和 Rex 現在怎麼樣了?

Bree: Fine. Why do you ask? 還行,你為什麼這麼問?fine: 好的 ask: 問、詢問

Lynette: Well, I'm just curious. I mean, he moves out, he moves back in. Is he back for good? 我只是好奇。我的意思是,他搬出去,又搬回來。他永遠地搬回來了嗎?curious: 好奇的 move: 移動、遷居

Bree: Uh, the situation is, um, fluid. I'm not certain what his plans are yet. 嗯,情況有些,嗯,不確定。我還不確定他的計劃是什麼。situation: 情況、狀態 fluid: 不穩固的、不穩定的 certain: 確定的、可靠的 plan: 計劃、方法 yet: 還,尚

聽美劇學英語39期:It's good to have faith in people 相信別人

Lynette: So if you're not sure he's back for good, why are you ironing his shirts? 哦,那麼如果你不確定他是永遠地搬回來了,為什麼你還熨他的襯衫呢?sure: 確信、肯定 iron: 熨、燙 shirt: 襯衫

Bree: Because I have faith that he'll come back. And that he'll do the right thing. 因為我相信他會回到我身邊的,他會做正確的事。 faith: 信任、信仰 come back: 回來、返回

Lynette: That's good. It's good to have faith in people. 那就好,對別人有信心是一件好事。be good to: 對…好 have faith in: 對…的信心

Bree: Yeah. But I'd still buy that camera. 是啊,但我還是會買那個攝像器。still: 仍然

聽美劇學英語39期:It's good to have faith in people 相信別人



beginner's luck:新手運氣。用於自嘲或者調侃都很好用的一個詞。

a degree in sociology:社會學學位。注意此處使用的是介詞in,後面可以跟各種學科。

hidden camera = nanny cam:隱藏攝像機= pinhole camera針孔攝像機。此物感覺在大學城酒店裡出現的頻率極高。

a breach of trust:一種背信棄義的行為。a breach of agreement: 違反協議

【2】My boys are a lot to handle. 我的兒子們很難對付。handle: 管理、處理、對付。聽美劇學英語26期:He has every right to be angry中 you handle this however you see fit 你按你覺得合適的方式處理。

【3】Is he back for good? 他永遠地搬回來了嗎?for good:永遠地,徹底地。《一分鐘英語口語175期》It's just a metter of time before they break up for good. 他們徹底分手是早晚的事。

【4】 It's good to have faith in people. 對別人有信心是件好事。《一分鐘英語口語142期》Bree堅信有人會偷他們的車時說的 I have faith in the poor,我對窮人有信心。

