12月14日雅思大作文參考範文 | 浪費型社會產生的原因及問題



Today people in many countries live in a throw-away society where they use things for a short period of time and throw them away. What are the causes and what problems does the phenomenon lead to?

12月14日雅思大作文參考範文 | 浪費型社會產生的原因及問題

解析 & 審題


本週考的是一個環境類的老題目。我們現在的社會是一個浪費型的社會(a throw-away society),隨處可見被扔棄不用的東西。本題要求分析這個現象產生的原因及其導致的問題。就原因而言,大家可能想到的生活水平提高了,物質太豐富了,這是唐老師經常談到的物質層面上的原因。如果我們再往下想一想,可能就想到,我們扔掉舊東西,可能還有一個心理原因,即因為技術的發展,新產品不斷出現,從而誘使我們使用新產品;除此之外,當然還有一個社會層面的原因,即消費社會鼓勵大家扔棄舊東西,換新時尚。在這類分析原因類的考題中,大家都可以按照這三個層面去思考(或者寫其中的兩個層面),就容易寫得更有邏輯一些。



12月14日雅思大作文參考範文 | 浪費型社會產生的原因及問題


第 1 段

Ours is a throw-away society today where people tend to discard everything that is not new though repairable, while only a few decades ago, people would keep things and use them as long as possible until they were completely beyond repair.


(1) 本段用比較的方法提出當今的現象,即當今社會是一個拋棄型的社會。
(2) Discard 拋棄
(3) Repairable 可以修復的
(4) Beyond repair 無法修復的

第 2 段

There are mainly two reasons for people’s change of mind towards old things. At the most basic level, people today are financially better off than before. If they had to use and re-use the old things in the past, now they can afford to get rid of them and buy new ones. For example, it was very common that a TV set was kept for more than ten years, but now the time has been shortened to three years averagely.


(1) 本段分析拋棄型社會產生的原因之一:經濟上有能力拋棄舊的東西。用舉例法來證明這個原因的合理性。
(2) Change of mind 思想的改變;改變主意
(3) At the most basic level 在最基礎的層面上
(4) Well off 富有的
(5) Get rid of 扔掉
(6) Averagely 平均地

第 3 段

Another important reason is that people may be forced to throw away old things and turn to new ones. Now new technologies are developing at a much faster speed than ever before, the consequence of which is that a product is quick to be replaced by its newer and better versions, and then the users have to buy them in order to enjoy their new features. As this goes on, more and more people will be drawn to the newest products, even if not for their new features, but as a fashionable habit.


(1) 本段分析消費型社會產生的第二個原因:產品更新速度快,人們不得不購買新產品,而且隨著這種現象的深入,人們慢慢將購買新產品作為一種時尚了。
(2) At a speed of... 以......的速度
(3) Consequence 後果;結果
(4) Version 版本
(5) Feature 功能;特性

第 4 段

Throwing away breeds over-consumption, which in turn will cause many problems for us, the most serious one of which is the pressure it imposes on the Earth’s natural resources. The more old things people throw away, the more new products need to be produced. This will definitely put our natural resources at risk. Another problem that a throw-away society has to deal with is the environmental pollution. As old things like furniture, washing machines, TV sets, and even cars are piling up, we have every reason to believe that they will make our neighborhood a less desirable place to live in.



(2)Breed 滋生
(3)Impose on... 強加於......
(4)Put...at risk 使......處於危險之中;危及
(5)Pile up 堆積
(6)Desirable 理想的

12月14日雅思大作文參考範文 | 浪費型社會產生的原因及問題


Ours is a throw-away society today where people tend to discard everything that is not new though repairable, while only a few decades ago, people would keep things and use them as long as possible until they were completely beyond repair.

There are mainly two reasons for people’s change of mind towards old things. At the most basic level, people today are financially better off than before. If they had to use and re-use the old things in the past, now they can afford to get rid of them and buy new ones. For example, it was very common that a TV set was kept for more than ten years, but now the time has been shortened to three years averagely.

Another important reason is that people may be forced to throw away old things and turn to new ones. Now new technologies are developing at a much faster speed than ever before, the consequence of which is that a product is quick to be replaced by its newer and better versions, and then the users have to buy them in order to enjoy their new features. As this goes on, more and more people will be drawn to the newest products, even if not for their new features, but as a fashionable habit.

Throwing away breeds over-consumption, which in turn will cause many problems for us, the most serious one of which is the pressure it imposes on the Earth’s natural resources. The more old things people throw away, the more new products need to be produced. This will definitely put our natural resources at risk. Another problem that a throw-away society has to deal with is the environmental pollution. As old things like furniture, washing machines, TV sets, and even cars are piling up, we have every reason to believe that they will make our neighborhood a less desirable place to live in.

(319 words)

12月14日雅思大作文參考範文 | 浪費型社會產生的原因及問題


1. Ours is a throw-away society today where people tend to discard everything that is not new though repairable, while only a few decades ago, people would keep things and use them as long as possible until they were completely beyond repair


2. If they had to use and re-use the old things in the past, now they can afford to get rid of them and buy new ones.

3. Now new technologies are developing at a much faster speed than ever before, the consequence of which is that a product is quick to be replaced by its newer and better versions, and then the users have to buy them in order to enjoy their new features.

4. Throwing away breeds over-consumption, which in turn will cause many problems for us, the most serious one of which is the pressure it imposes on the Earth’s natural resources.

5. As old things like furniture, washing machines, TV sets, and even cars are piling up, we have every reason to believe that they will make our neighborhood a less desirable place to live in.


