This is Gansu,China | 隴上花盛開,君可乘風來

This is Gansu,China | 隴上花盛開,君可乘風來


This film is dedicated to someone has dedicated themselves to the epdemic!After the night, the sun rises as usual!

This is Gansu,China | 隴上花盛開,君可乘風來

This is Gansu,China | 隴上花盛開,君可乘風來

▲ 新冠肺炎疫情已影響全球200個國家和地區,多國相繼宣佈進入緊急狀態,升級防控措施,全球聯合抗疫已經刻不容緩。

COVID-19 epidemic has affected 200 countries and regions in the world. Many countries have declared a state of emergency and upgraded prevention and control measures.The global fight against the epidemic is urgent.

This is Gansu,China | 隴上花盛開,君可乘風來

▲ 對於海外疫情的蔓延,中國甘肅省人民感同身受,及時伸出援手,已陸續分別向西班牙納瓦拉自治區、羅馬尼亞阿爾巴縣、意大利博拉市、伊朗庫姆省、法國熱爾布博瓦市、白俄羅斯斯格羅德諾州等國際友好省州城市組織捐贈了防護服、醫用口罩等醫療物資。

For the spread of the epidemic overseas, people of Gansu province in China have been given help timely,and donated protective clothing, surgical masks and other medical supplies to the Autonomous Region of Navarra, Spain, Alba county of Romania, Bra city of Italy, Qom province of Iran,Germbois city of France and other international friendly province(state ,city and group).

This is Gansu,China | 隴上花盛開,君可乘風來

▲ 在這場全球共同抗擊新冠肺炎的戰役中,團結合作是最有力的武器。中國願與世界攜手前行,守望相助,共克時艱,取得全球戰“疫”的最終勝利。

Solidarity is the most powerful weapon in the global campaign against COVID 19. China is ready to work with the rest of the world to help each other overcome difficulties and achieve final victory in the Global epdemic.

This is Gansu,China | 隴上花盛開,君可乘風來

▲ 中國甘肅省文化和旅遊廳推出抗疫主題的宣傳片《we are the world》(四海一家),向世界各國的抗疫工作者表達致敬與問候。

The Gansu provincial Department of culture and tourism in China released a promotional film titled "we are the world" to salute and greet anti-epidemic workers from all over the world.

This is Gansu,China | 隴上花盛開,君可乘風來

▲ 眼下,我們尚不能盡情出門享受大自然賦予的美好春光……,我們期待疫情早日結束,人隨春好、春隨人願、全球無恙、世間皆安!

Right now, we can't go out and enjoy the beautiful spring light given by nature... We look forward to an early end of the epidemic. With the good spring and the best wishes of others, the world is safe and people are happy and healthy.

This is Gansu,China | 隴上花盛開,君可乘風來



Savor it on your tongue.


The sound alone instills satisfaction.


Feel it in your heart.


Notice a soothing warmth wash over you.


We're here, each and every one of us, because we have a unique gift to share. It's my wish that we're both bold and tolerant enough to embody our divine potential.


It's my desire to kick off a gratitude cascade throughout the world.


Imagine where that will take us.


No incurable pain, no not the end of thedestruction, all lost, will be back in another way.


——John Shors(約翰·肖爾斯)

This is Gansu,China | 隴上花盛開,君可乘風來

This is Gansu,China | 隴上花盛開,君可乘風來

蘭州 Lanzhou

This is Gansu,China | 隴上花盛開,君可乘風來

敦煌 月牙泉 Yueya spring in Dunhuang

This is Gansu,China | 隴上花盛開,君可乘風來

敦煌 莫高窟 Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes

This is Gansu,China | 隴上花盛開,君可乘風來

天水 麥積山石窟 Tianshui Maijishan Grottoes

This is Gansu,China | 隴上花盛開,君可乘風來

嘉峪關 Jiayuguan

This is Gansu,China | 隴上花盛開,君可乘風來

張掖 丹霞地貌 Zhangye, Danxia landform

This is Gansu,China | 隴上花盛開,君可乘風來

平涼 崆峒山 Pingliang, Kongtong mountain

This is Gansu,China | 隴上花盛開,君可乘風來

甘南 拉卜楞寺 Gannan, Labrang temple

This is Gansu,China | 隴上花盛開,君可乘風來

本期視頻:《we are the world》(四海一家)

演唱:周琦智 郭麗莎

Oleksandr Kompanets(Ukraine)

Macdonald Ogorm Mafiana(Nigeria)

Markevych Alin(Ukraine)

Sariyeva Jahan(Turkmenistan)



