quora網友: 中國人知道印度是亞洲最強大的國家嗎?

quora網友: 中國人知道印度是亞洲最強大的國家嗎?

1、Good question!Sure, India is not only the most powerful country in Asia, but also the most powerful country in the world, and in the univers.


2、Sorry, forgive me. I don't know.抱歉,原諒我,我真不知道

3、Are you kidding me? If you’ve never been to China I’d say that you’d better to come and travel around China and then you may have the answer and you won’t never ask stupid questions like this one. If you stay in the valley shall never get over the hill.你是在開玩笑吧?如果沒來過中國,建議你親自來中國走一走,看一看,你就會有答案的,就不會問這樣愚蠢的問題。

4、India is not the most powerful country in Asia. Either Russia or China is, depending on how you define “Asian.”印度不是亞洲最強大的國家。最強大的亞洲國家不是俄羅斯就是中國,就看你如何定義“亞洲”了

5、Actually we Chinese don’t know that, thanks for telling us!我們中國人不知道啦。謝謝你們告訴我們,我現在知道了

6、Thanks for get us informed!謝謝啊,我們現在知道了

7、yes, we know, Our Shanghai is 20 years behind Mumbay, so we just try our best to catch up.我們知道啊。上海落後孟買20年。我們現在正努力追趕呢

quora網友: 中國人知道印度是亞洲最強大的國家嗎?

8、We know know you are the most powerful country in universe.Okay,satisfied?我們知道你們是宇宙最強大的國家。滿意了嗎?

9、he answer is definitely yes.We all know that not only is India the most powerful country in Asia, but also Indian are the most powerful group on Quora.If you guys win on Quora, you will win in Asia, even the world :)答案是肯定的,眾所周知,印度不僅是亞洲最強大的國家,而且印度人在quora的戰鬥力也是最強悍的。你們在quora贏了,在亞洲乃至全世界就都能贏

10、As a Chinese, I definitely know that India is not only the most powerful country in Asia, but also in the planet. Keep going, next goal for superpower India: Rule the universe!作為中國人,我當然知道印度是亞洲最強大的國家啦。不僅如此,印度還是這個地球最強大的,再接再厲,下一個超級大國就是印度啦,印度要主宰宇宙了!

11、India is the most powerful country in universe.印度是宇宙最強大的國家

12、I am Chinese, but I think India is the strongest country in Asia.We were afraid to tremble when we heard modi's name.India has advanced LCA fighters and the arjuna tanks。There are also countless high-quality weapons and well-trained soldiers.The big city like mumbai is really a mecca for every Chinese man. What other city can compare with mumbai?

quora網友: 中國人知道印度是亞洲最強大的國家嗎?



